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In 90s in 20th Century, trade and technical communication between different countries is becoming more and more frequent; capital flow is accelerating; economy and finance is penetrative among countries, all of which makes different countries or regions incline to depend more and more closely on each other. The trend of economic globalization and technical integration is not only an opportunity, but also challenge to many multinational enterprises. Because of this trend, industrial product markets of different countries are not confined to space and time any more. Free flow of factors and swift transmission means of information is contributing to globalization of purchasing and selling. Meanwhile, it also leads to market diaphaneity increasing, products homogenization, price reducing and profit decreasing. As one of the most potential industrial market all over the world, China has been a strategic area that enterprises of different countries are scrabbling for. Hence, under new conditions and environment, how to choose and adopt effective marketing strategies to establish its own sustainable competitive edge and accomplish goals, has become a chief issue many industrial enterprises have to be faced with.
     On the other hand, research on traditional marketing mainly focuses on the consumable. Up to now, theories and exploration on industrial product's marketing is very limited. Many enterprises are very puzzled in the course of their marketing activities, so it is very essential for them to have a suitable theory, integrate their own marketing resource, guide their marketing activities, so that they will be in the advantageous position in the fierce competition.
     Base upon the actuality mentioned above, this thesis takes analysis on the course of industrial product marketing as the core content. By researching the internal and external marketing environment of the enterprise, combining domestic and overseas relevant theory or research conclusion, and adopting the methods of demonstration analysis and exploration research, this thesis will discuss the marketing strategies for industrial products in China market under the background of globalization. This thesis consists of ten chapters.
     Chapter 1 is the basic frame of the marketing strategies analysis on the industrial product: introduction on the background of this topic; purpose and value of the research on the industrial product marketing strategies; research scope, analysis method, structure and innovation of this thesis.
     Chapter 2 is literature summary: analysis on the development trend of world economy globalization and deficiency of the traditional international marketing theory; review on the relevant domestic and overseas research or theory results; analysis and conclusions which are valuable and meaningful theoretically and practically to the theoretical model system for the industrial product marketing strategies.
     Chapter 3 is mainly about analysis on the external marketing environment of enterprise, and analyses change and evolvement of the marketing environment of the industrial product in globalization, including change on the industrial product marketing mode under economy globalization, change on the organization behavior mode, and evaluation mode of the industrial product marketing environment.
     Chapter 4 is the research on process strategies. Comprehensive demonstration analysis on the purchasing and trade mode of the industrial products is done based on the actual condition of Chinese industrial product market. Research in this chapter refers to direct purchasing, bidding-invitation, capital channel and selling flow.
     The whole process that industrial product comes from the manufacturer to the customer has to be accomplished by "channel" , which is called marketing channel of the industrial product. In this chapter, we analyze composition of the marketing value chain and relevant key factors. Then we systematically explain strategies on design, choice and management of the marketing channel, and introduce development progress of some new channels such as internet marketing. Finally channel management model for industrial product marketing is established.
     Chapter 5 is the research on the internal strategies. Its core content is technical marketing strategies of the industrial product. Firstly, homogenization of the industrial product is explained based upon the condition that information delivers swift and convenient in the industrial product market and technical barrier becomes lower and lower. Secondly, it is mentioned that we use diversity of the industrial product technique, design and patent protection to identify competitors. Finally, based on the research for life cycle of the industrial product, we establish the strategy model for industrial product.
     In the age of global economy integration, value of the brand has become a significant standard for judging the comprehensive strength of an enterprise. Execution of brand strategy is more and more important. In China market, industrial product brand is the invisible asset and competitive advantage for an enterprise. In this chapter, we analyze the meaning and importance of the industrial product brand, and establish an industrial product brand model and some typical brand propagation strategies.
     Chinese traditional culture is ineradicable, so multinational companies feel difficult to adopt international marketing theory in China market. Chinese government calls for anti-corruption, open-bidding and price transparency, but relation marketing, even grey marketing is still prevailing. In this chapter, we discuss features and difference of relation marketing and grey marketing. Analysis is made on the cause of relation marketing and grey marketing from the aspect of culture and regulation. We emphasis importance of customer management and after-sale service management, and then systematically raise the grey marketing theory in Chinese mainland industrial product market.
     Chapter 7 is mainly about the prediction for further development and trend of industrial product theory. With the deepening of globalization and fierce competition in industrial product market, innovation and improvement on the theory and strategy research of industrial product marketing will be going on.
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    32、跨国公司R&D全球化及对中国的积极影响,陈浩义、王文彦,山东工商学院学报,2005 Vol.19 No.3;
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    79、动态环境下的顾客关系学习研究,熊元斌、王娟,武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2005 Vol.58 No.2;
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    82、汉化“关系营销”中的多期动态博弈机制分析,朱涛,袁仟佑,上海管理科学,2004 No.3:
    87、Thorsten Hennig-Thurau等,关系营销,广东经济出版社,2003;

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