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Shipping industry is an internationalism industry. Our shipping industry is epitome of Chinese modern industry and strategic industry of national economy. By one hundred years' anneal of international market, especially reformation & opening policy of 1970's, our shipping industry achieves great development.Nowadays, China has been in the new period of constructing well-to-do society entirely. History brings forward the new assignment of advancing internationalization of shipping industry further. This article studied Chinese shipping industry's internationalization from theory, model, international comparison, historical review, actuality analysis, policy suggestion, and so on. The purpose was to promote carrying out the strategic target of the first largest ship-made country.The article generalized basic theory and general model of enterprise's internationalization firstly. Based on the logic of internationalization's evolvement, cause, factor and mode, the article commented the basic theory of internationalization evolvement, export action, technology accumulation industry upgrade, factor model and cobweb model. And constructed general analysis model from internationalization's type, decision-making status, market entrance model, choice cause, measurement model, government behavior, etc..The article studied shipping industry internationalization's international comparison. By analyzing Japan, Korea and Western Europe's shipping industry's internationalization, generalized completely these country's industry's internationalization model and government policy. It provided important reference for our shipping industry's internationalization.The article analyzed the model characteristic of our shipping industry internationalization. From the two dimensionality of produce elements' introversion internationalization and product export's extroversion internationalization, analyzed the type of our shipping industry's internationalization and pointed that our shipping internationalization was market's export entrance internationalization, contents'
    commix internationalization, motive's market guide and produce elements guide internationalization, property's introversion and extroversion internationalization. The article evaluated shipping products export' extroversion internationalization using DEA model.The article analyzed regulative cause of shipping industry's internationalization model thoroughly from strategic target of the first largest ship-made country, drastic international contest position and shipping industry's history evolvement. The article put forward regulatory and development's direction idea, general thought and target, constructed enterprise's internationalization's new model of taking introversion internationalization as precursor, extroversion internationalization as centre, introversion and extroversion mutual advance. And put forward actual strategies from exerting relatively superiority, optimizing export products' structure, persisting in independent innovation, adjusting system and implementing brand stratagem.The article analyzed the constituents of enterprise's internationalization effect of shipping industry from microeffect and macroeffect. Using grid method and fuzzy Borda evaluation model, actualized evaluation on our shipping industry's enterprise's internationalization effect.The article finally gave policy suggestions of improving our shipping industry's enterprise's internationalization. From sustaining export ships' produce, actualizing direct business subsidy, exerting export credit, expediting internationalization legislation, strengthening R&D devotion, constructing common research system, advancing structure regulatory and supporting international competition, it put forward shipping industry 's protective policy of advancing our shipping industry's internationalization.
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