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In the paper named A Research on the Development and Employment of China's SMEs, the author analyzes the ability of the creation employment of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in China from the the micro and macro perspectives. At the micro level, the author uses Labor Demand Theory to study how SMEs' registered capital and profitability level influence the employment of SMEs. From the macro perspective the author analyzes the relationship between the SMEs' Development, employment and the SMEs' environment such as political, ecnomomic, social, and technical elements, and establishes econometric models to research the relations between the SMEs' development and several economic variables.
     This paper is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 is to introduce the major background of the thesis, research reviews, research frameworks and methodologies. Chapter 2 collects and cauculates the amounts of the SMEs in China and analyzes the structural features of SMEs' employment. Chapter 3 studies the SMEs' employment with the labor demand theory. Chapter 4 studies the business environment and the development and employment of SMEs'. Chapter 5 is the empirical analysis of the relations among SMEs'employment and various economic variables such as economic growth, financial loans, foreign trade and investment, and analyzes how China's economic structure and economic fluctuations influence SMEs' development and employment. Chapter 6 is a separate part which studies China's self-development and employment. Chapter 7 gives some conclusions and policy recommendations.
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    22 国家工商总局办公厅统计处.2008年全国市场主体发展情况报告.国家工商总局网站www. saic. gov. cn,2009年03月20日。
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