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As components of Chinese and Western culture and based on different cultural tradition, Wushu and Competitive Sport have experienced different development patterns and developed respective cultural characteristics through thousands of years' development. The traditional Confucianism and Taoism culture of China make Wushu become a traditional sports event peculiar to national aesthetic culture. The Greek culture, on which the western civilization was based, such as sun god's culture and alcoholic drink god culture etc, also makes western sports, which are representative of track and field, gymnastics and the sphere and are characteristic of victory or defeat, show unique aesthetic features. As a result of the aesthetic approach which embodies perceptually and directly the national cultural psychology, many inherent contacts of cultural phenomena can be explained by aesthetic approach. In order to reveal the individual characteristics of Wushu and Competitive Sport during their formation and development carry
    forward the Wushu aesthetics and comparative study of Wushu, promote superiorities of Wushu culture and strengthen the intercommunion of Wushu culture, relatively overall comparative study has been carried out in this text. Wushu and Competitive Sport are taken as the objects of comparison and the aesthetical appreciation method is taken as the frame of reference in this text, with doctrine and logos being the respective logical starting point of Wushu and western sport aesthetical appreciation and the internality of Chinese traditional aesthetics and the externalism of western traditional aesthetics taken respectively as the background theoretical hypothesis. This paper carries on relatively overall comparative study of the characteristics of aesthetic approach Wushu and Western sports along two principal lines of the relation between man and nature, body and minds.
    It's concluded that Wushu aesthetics integrates nature, man and the society into a Trinity, and its characteristics of aesthetic approach reflects the dialectical unification. First, it pursues the harmonious and unitary beauty with nature, which is characteristic of the natural bionic combination, the creatural bionic and in conformity with the law of nature. Secondly, it seeks the combination of the shape beauty and spiritual beauty, namely the unity of the male beauty and female beauty characteristics and the serenity beauty and emptiness beauty which is thought of as the essential characteristic of Wushu aesthetic approach. Thirdly, it goes after the unity of the beautiful and the good.
    Deep rooted in the double contradictions between reason and sensation, the aesthetic approach of Competitive Sport, shows binary contrariety. First, it pursues the antithesis with nature and the harmony with spirit. Second, concerning the relation between body and minds, it only attaches importance to the characteristics of shape beauty and fancy beauty and regards fancy beauty as the essential characteristic of the aesthetic approach of western Competitive sport. Third, it follows the unification of beauty and truth.
    Finally, the following viewpoint constructive proposals drawn from the practical evaluation of and prospects for the aesthetic the aesthetical value of Wushu are as following. First, the aesthetic value of Wushu will become more important and play even greater role in remolding the harmony of man's body and minds sustainable during the implementation of societal development strategy. Second, competitive Wushu is the new outcome of the combination of the Chinese and the western. With Wushu developing internationally, studies of the aesthetic value of Competitive Wushu will be an important domain allowing of no ignorance.
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