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The sustainable operation of forest resource has become popular globally because it is crucial to the overall sustainable development. As one of the effective management tools, the certification mechanism has been introduced to promote the sustainable operation of forest resource for no more than eight years and it has been well accepted in the world.
    Targeting at the overall sustainable development of global forest resource, under the frame of the international co-operation between the governments, following the internationally well-accepted principles and standard of sustainable development of forest resource, taking all forest operation proprietors as the certification subjects and all forest products and service as the certification objectives, the independent third party carries out the forest resource certification which is the process of accessing and appraising the forest operation achievement and management procedures, and as a result, issues the certificates to the eligible. Forest resource certification is a totally new theoretical field. Study on this field should be an innovative work to fill up the vacancies left by the only wood certification and to promote the forest operation and management in China The certification of the forest resource which is the largest and the most important ecosystem in land is much more magnificent than the cert
    ification of the general products and plays a comprehension effect on the sustainable human development
    The thesis puts forward the frame of the theoretical study on the forest resource certification. With the theory and methods of Forest Resource Economics, the thesis analyzes the limitation of the current forest certification and expends the certification objects from wood resources, timber and woodwork to the whole of forest resources, together with all the components of resources, all the forest products and services, which are much more expansive and complicated. Furthermore, the thesis defines and generalizes the basic content, the structure and the features of the certification subjects and objects, and the operation laws of the certification, etc.
    In the thesis, the certification demanders and the certification objects are fully studied. Applying the theory of the modern organizations, the thesis describes the features of all kinds of forest operation and management organizations and puts forward the basic laws of the certification demand of three operation-oriented organizations. Based on the current situation of the forest resource operation and management in China, the model of dualistic certification is invented to adapt to the different organizations. With the help of Ecology and the system theory, the thesis analyzes the different influences or requirements which the natural, economic and social attributes of forest
    resource have on the certification. The assumption is suggested that three main stages of the forest reproduction should be the approaches to operate the certification. The thesis also proves that it is impossible and necessary to make the different certifications.
    The thesis probes into the certification mechanism carefully. Based on the IPF appraisal standards of the certification system, four basic rules are pointed out for the forest resource certification. With the analysis on the interest system of the relevant stakeholders, the thesis resorts to the orientation system of the sustainable consumption which focuses on consumers' environmental ethics to promote the development of forest resource certification.
    With the analyses on the forest resource, policies and laws in China, the thesis demonstrates the external environment requirements of the certification and points out that the market is the engine of the certification operation. So an assumption comes out: stage-by-stage certification and classification certification can be used to push the development of the sustainable operation of forest resource in China,
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