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Innovation is the key factor of a nation's development of science and technology, it is the core of a nation's competition. The development of science and technology needs talents, the cultivation of talents depends on education. Research Universities carry out the fundamental researches. American Research Universities account for six percent of total universities in amount, while they get much R&D funds from the Federal Government, published much technological papers, brought out many Nobel Prize gainers, nurtured numbers of technology talents, had more than ninety percent of the university patents. In this system of American R&D, Research Universities are the main parts of American R&D, they make great contributions to the innovation of American's science and technology
     The reasons reside in the following factors why research universities displayed so great performance in the innovation of science&technology, which are: plenty of financial supports that offered solid physical basis in their innovation activities, effective instructions and regulations that built a good legislation circumstance for their innovation activities, and moreover, a free, democratic and open academic circumstance that made a comfortable research atmospheres around their innovation activities.
     How to improve the technology innovation ability of our country in order to catch up the trend of world's technology development? The author thinks that the technology innovation whose most dynamic element is human being is a complicate society activity and human being is the basic power force of this activity. So the cultivation of technology talent should be the premise of the improvement of country's technological innovation ability, which needs a systemic, scientific and comprehensive system of talent cultivation. According to American successful experience and combined with our country's reality, it is necessary for us to emphatically optimize the talent cultivation system and scientific research system of our country's research universities. Firstly we should highly emphasis the cultivation and introduction of the scientific talent and develop the talent's accumulative effect of the research universities, secondly enough scientific funds are used to improve the research conditions of the research universities , thirdly we should consummate scientific system and elevate the scientific level of the research universities, Fourthly we should strengthen the system construction of modern universities and create free academic environment.
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