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     1.研究了普适计算的信任管理与基于信任的资源访问控制技术。在全面综述信任管理理论的基础上,提出了一种基于信任的资源访问控制模型RTAC(Role andTrust-degree based Access Control)。该模型在角色理论的框架下将用户信任关系作为授权管理的一种重要条件和约束,使信任度成为用户角色激活的重要依据;并为此给出了一种用于RTAC模型的用户信任度评估和度量方法,从基本信任度、行为信任度和推荐信任度三个维度衡量和计算用户的实时信任度,满足了普适计算系统的动态特性。
     2.提出了一种基于用户访问行为的资源访问控制模型ABAC(Action BasedAccess Control)。用户访问系统资源的行为有其发生的特定时间和环境,通过引入受限的时间状态和环境状态,形式化定义了ABAC模型架构,并以CSCW系统的资源访问控制为背景描述了ABAC模型的应用方法。
     3.分析了普适计算资源访问上下文的内涵,提出了一种上下文感知的资源访问控制方法CRAC(Context-aware Role-basedAccess Control)。将普适计算系统资源访问上下文归纳为平台安全上下文、用户信任上下文、时间上下文和空间上下文四个方面,并加以定义和描述,建立用户角色分配和激活的上下文约束,体现了资源访问的上下文依赖,改进了访问控制策略支持动态资源访问控制的能力。
     4.对普适计算系统的细粒度资源访问控制问题进行了探索。将细粒度的资源访问控制定义为面向资源的细粒度访问控制和面向用户的细粒度访问控制两种类型,并重点研究了面向用户的细粒度资源访问控制机制。从用户的角度分别利用信任管理和上下文感知的原理构造了两种细粒度的资源访问控制方法TFAC(Trust-degree based Fine-grained Access Control)和CFAC(Context-aware Fine-grainedAccess Control),实现了差异化的用户访问权限获取,提高了访问控制的精确性和严密性。
With the rapid development of information technology, the network-basedinformation systems have become ubiquitous. The target that whoever can communicatewith whomever in whenever and from wherever by whatever ways is coming true; thedream of exchanging information anytime and anywhere is becoming a reality; sharinginformation and obtaining information is being more and more convenient; the era ofpervasive computing is coming to us. However, the changes in computing mode andapplication environments result in many differences between pervasive informationsystems and traditional network information systems, especially in information systemassurance and security, the traditional information security technology is facing severechallenges for its difficulty to meet the needs of pervasive computing systems.
     Access control is one of the most fundamental protection measures for informationsystem security; it is of great significance for improving information assurance andsecurity, the same conditions for pervasive computing information system. Therefore,we study access control in pervasive computing system. The main contributions of thisthesis are as follows:
     1. Trust management and trust based resources access control in pervasivecomputing are discussed. A Role and Trust-degree based Access Control (RTAC) modelis presented based on a comprehensive review on trust management theory. In RTAC,user trust degree is used as an important constraint condition for user role assignmentand a crucial evidence for session role activation. At the same time, an evaluation andmeasurement method is proposed for RTAC. User’s real time trust degree is composedof basic trust, behavior trust and recommendation trust to satisfy the dynamics ofpervasive information systems.
     2. A user access Action Based Access Control (ABAC) model is proposed. Theaction of user’s access to system resources has its specifics in time and environment, sothe ABAC architecture can be defined formally by introducing restricted temporal statesand environmental states. Moreover, the method of applying ABAC model is illustratedin the scenario of resource access control for CSCW systems.
     3. A Context-aware Role-based Access Control (CRAC) mechanism is presentedbased on research on context-awareness. The contents of context for resources access inpervasive computing are elaborated, including platform security context, user trustcontext, time context and space context. Context constraints on user-role assignments and activations represent context dependence in resources access, and improve thecapability of supporting dynamic resources access control in access control policies.
     4. Fine-grained access control in pervasive computing system is explored.Fine-grained access control mechanisms are classified into two types, i.e.resource-oriented and user-oriented fine-grained access control; and the latter isobserved detailedly. Two user-oriented fine-grained access control methods thatTrust-degree based Fine-grained Access Control (TFAC) and Context-awareFine-grained Access Control (CFAC) are formalized using the theory of trustmanagement and the principle of context-awareness, respectively, for achievingdifferentiated user privileges and enhancing the accuracy and strictness of accesscontrol rules.
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