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At the period of economy transfer,faculty's value view and social psychology is changing. It is needed increasingly that the voice of democracy and cooperate in human management.Phychological contracts is just the carrier to express faculty's demand.As a kind of unwritten contrat,phychological contracts ,with latent and affective and affirmatory characteristic,hold people oriented administrant concept and act the integrate of contract and humanistic management.What's more, it is endowed with three tasks: optimizing university human resource management; to upgrading faculty's affirmatory level and expediting the relationship between organization and faculty benign intermodulation.Nowsdays, psychological contract is becoming a new question for discussion in human resource management field.
     On the base of reviewing correlative literature,the thesis summarize the researchful condiction about psychological contracts and faculty's psychological contracts.Aiming at the four feeble tache in presently research, four masterstroke are outspreaded in this thesis,that is to establish "faculty's psychological contracts change questionnaire",to analyze faculty's psychological contracts actuality and characteristic, to quantitative discuss faculty's phychological contracts change and to demonstration the consistency of faculty and organization phychological contracts.
     Firstly, on the base of preexperimentation, the conceivition of psychological contract three dimensionality frame is validated. It is indicated that there is normative obligation,developmental obligation and relation obligation in faculty's psychological contracts.Basing on the reliability and availability validate,factor and validatory analysis,we exploitured "faculty's phychological contracts dynamic questionare",which developed the research of psychological contract from static state to dynamic.
     Secondly,basing on formal investigation,the thesis discuss faculty and university organization psychological contracts actuality and interaction through the analysis of correlation, ANOVA, K-means cluster and regression. It is reported that the psychological contracts of common investment high scored high in expection,endurance,faculty's revision level and organization trust and indentification,which embodied a kind of positive relationship and suggested it is significant to construct common investment high phychological contracts.
     Thirdly,this thesis made a quantitative research for the forms of faculty's pshchological contracts chang basing on the view of phychological contracts change limit of Schalk and Robert. It is reported that there are such three kinds of basic changing forms as balance,revision and transformation in faculty's pshchological contracts.Furtherly,through K-means cluster, it is surved that faculty's psychological contracts three changing forms critical limit.Which developed the research of psychological contracts from qualitative to quantitative and offered a kind of tool to grasp faculty's psychological contracts dynamic.
     Lastly, viewing from faculty and supervisior,this thesis discussed the mutual obligation that is recognized commonly and review the cognitive difference of school and faculty obligation fulfillment as well as its effect on mutual psychological contracts. Which made the research of phychological contracts coherence from two sides more comprehensive.
     In conclusion, the way to avoid psychological contracts departure normal orbit is to supervise the formation and maintenance of faculty's psychological contracts as well as construct management strategy. At the end of the thesis, it surved the warning signal of psychological contracts' change and establish a model of early warning and control. At the same time,in order to advance mutual fit about psychological contracts,such management policy is put forward as take sensibility as root,take lead as key,and take development as guarantee. It also analyzed faculty's psychological contracts characteristic based on career stage theory.Some management plicy aiming at dirrerent career stage is put forward to achieve benign circle of faculty's psychological contracts.
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