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The plate products are widely used in many fields such as pipeline of petroleum and natural gas, shipping, bridge, container, boiler, oceanic component, construction and so on. At present,there is a large distance about middle-thick plate mill between at home and advanced country in the installation level, equipment ability, output and energy consumption. A number of these are tender equipment. The fall behind technic, the low output and the poor quality make the poor production competitive power. It is need to be redevelopment. The four reversing high mill of QHD plate mill SG is a tender equipment from Spain. Because of the limited of the equipment ability it must use the limited gauge reduction during rolling. The pass schedule is not reasonable, too. It restricts the raising of output seriously.
    In this study, at first,We will establish a rolling force formula based on the Sims formula, and improve it with the test data. Simulate calculate the intension of the mill’s main parts using SNSYS. Advanced the reconstruct project.
    Testing the mill in order to validate the calculate result. and choose the new main motor. At last, analyzed the whole mill’s condition, established mathematical model with the object of largest output. Optimum designed the pass schedule.
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