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酸枣(Zizyphus jujuba Mill),为鼠李科(Rhamnaceae)枣属(Zizyphus Mill)植物,为枣的原生种,是一种少为问津而经济价值较高的野生果树资源,也是主要的药用植物,还是防风固沙,保持水土造林中的先锋树种,在我国资源十分丰富。从陕西、山西、河北、河南、安徽、辽宁等部分酸枣产区调查收集的不同性状类型就有115个之多。因此,研究开发利用这一资源对于国民经济,丰富人民生活,改善生态环境具有重要的意义。
This experimental Taihang mountain area common wild jujube the root, leaf research objects of types, show microcosmic examining and some physiology biochemical index survey through cutting into slices, get and fruit followingly:
    1. Receive soil the restrictions of termses of at the distributions of wild jujube root systemses. In the soil of sand quality, the perpendicular root was distributed and exceed the horizontal root and was distributed, among stone gravel( stone canopy) soil horizontal roots distribute and exceed perpendicular root distribute. Deeply or distribute at wild jujubes, heavy root /preceded than,help root system not to be lasted the limited moistures of soil, make its can survive under the environmental condition of the moisture in short .
    2. Through pair is environmental experiments prove: The wild jujube root system carries water function , and the more arid the soil, it is the stronger to propose water function.
    3. Pass whether it is different kinds of discover at wild jujube the anatomies of leaveses: The wild jujube adapts to the typical structure characteristic of growing the environment of drought: Short plant, little area leaf, upper epidermises thick on lower surface have air vent distribute for the time being, the density of air vent is high, have relatively thick cuticles, the bar is organized in cells the chloroplast waits developedly.
    4. Getting lower by more speed relatively in wild jujubes on the ground grow at department and getting lighter relatively and a thick blade, can reduce the deadly injury because extreme weather and soil aridity make the plant dehydrate in the body, so the wild jujube individual's low-speed grows it is to suit to one kind of the bad environment.
    5. Wild jujubes the evolution trendses of mesophylls structureses : The whole bar type .The bar type of ring , namely the young leaf of wild jujube is the structure of the whole bar type, becoming age, the leaf is the structure of bar type of ring . In the course of evolution of the meat type of leaf, normal type that have , there is irregular type too. Evolve type watch, sour jujube tree young leaveses than becoming leaf to have and meet drought ability to born environment age from mesophyll, It is very close that this changes the relation to influence of genetic factor and environmental factor, the genetic factor has played a leading role.
    6. High RWC and minuent WSD relativelies relatively at drought-resistances wild jujubes; Have the relatively low one than the meat ization degree of leaf of the area and relatively high of leaf; The change presents “W” type curve on the blade RWC day of wild jujube, present “V” type curve with changes of apple RWC differently.
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