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New Rural cooperative Medical System (NRCMs) is a medical mutual aid system, which is root organized by the government, farmers participating voluntarily, funds coming from individual, collective and the government, and strengthening on illness. To achieve sustainable development of the NRCMs is of great significance for the increase of farmers’health, the reduction of the disease burden, the ease of poverty caused by illness, the liberation of production forces in rural areas, the development of rural economy, the maintainment of social stability, the the building of a harmonious society and a First Man government. Hence, the realization of the sustainable development of this system is a political task first of all and as well an economic activity. As an economic activity, we must first solve the funding problem. As long as there is sustainable, stable, adequated funding to do the support, the system’s operation will have a foundation. Second, compensation is the research how to make money. Since reform and opening China developed rapidly, but for various reasons, something was not so good and became a prominent social issue, including the megletion of rural medical care, the increase of medical cost, the growing of farmers’disease burden, the prominention of the expensive medical charge. The purpose of the research on compensation is to spend money rightly, to provide health protection for farmers, to solve the medical burden effectively, to satisfy the government, the party and the people. Third, to study how to control the health care cost, this is also a world problem currently. Whether govermnent’s investment, farmers’pay, ro the social contributions, are the people’s blood and sweat. The research on cost control is significant for the using of limited funds on people’s health care and to healthy development of the NRCMs. So, this paper focuses on the funding, compensation and expense control, the three links of the NRCMs. Although being an economic activity lead by the government, the NRCMs don’t run isolatly, which is also a system project. We need to analyze, identify and judge the NRCMs from a theoretical, historical, international and realitical angle, in order to achieve its sustainable development.
     Paper summarizes related theories and domestic and overseas research of the NRCMs, analyzes the history and current status of RCMs in western, analyzes external conditions for the sustainable development of NRCMs, focused on analysis, comparison evaluation on financing, compensation and cost control, learned from foreign experience, proposes suggestions to realize the sustainable development of NRCMs.
     In order to realize the sustainable development of NRCMs, the paper presents four 10 opinions: to establish financing growth mechanism according to the level of economic development; to devide funding responsibilities according with the responsibilities and capabilities for all levels of government, farmers’must paying; farmers participating mandatorily, dual coordinating medical compensation model and pre-paid system for medical institutions being the best in western; to speed up the establishment of information; to establish the“last-one-elimination”system and the two-wayreferral system, to implement the new management system of the social security sector managing.
     The first is to establish financing system with steady growth compatible with the level of economic development. Wealth is created by all citizens; western peasants as one of the principal creators of social wealth have the right to share them. The NRCMs is implemented to realize the porpoise. Because of the particulary in its historical geography and othe others, the western develops slowly, so its economic contribution to the country is small. But it plays a political role in the realization of the motherland’s territorial integrity and national unity. We emphasize to be compatible with the economic development level, not to say the local economic development level, and certainly not the local rural economic development level. To determine the fund-raising standards of the NRCMs, we should calculate country’s economy as the base. Funding gap in western should be made up by the central government and provincial finance. Then, we can gradually narrow the gap between urben workers and peasant population, the east peasant and the western peasant, and ultimately to realize social equity.
     The second is to implement the last-one-elemation system for fixed-point medical institutions. Since the development of the NRCMs, health care institutions provide over services, offset the effect of the NRCMs. These issues are repeatedly remedied, but the outcome is not so good. A very important reason is that the NRCMs management institutions are so kind.“Off one finger is better than injure ten”. From a managerial view, in order to improve management efficiency, we propose to establish the designated medical institutions elimination system. That is, in a county or a city to take out a democratic evaluation and union essessment. According to the results, the last one will be cancelled the accreditation for a year, ranking second to last yellow card. But if being the penultimation in the second year, the institution will be cancelled.
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