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With the theory and technology of cloud computing method, a framework of CloudComputing Service Architecture of Forestry Resource Information (FRI-C2SA) was designedand developed in this study. The key issues and technical ideas of that framework were figuredout in this study, of which including forestry resource information infrastructure and itsenvironment, the environment of large data storage and management models, businessapplications, operating system platform and the model. That framework was also applied in“'One Map' for the Forestry Resource Monitoring Service System” to test its validity. The maincontents and results of this study are as follows:
     (1)Forestry resource information cloud computing service. Based on the definition andfeatures of the forestry resource, forestry resource information and forestry resourceinformation service, a clear connotation of the forestry resource information cloud computingservice was defined: four kinds of service resources, which includs asic facilities service, dataservice, platform service and application service, are provided on-demand, self-help,dynamically for forestry users by forestry network. These resources are corresponding to thefour service models: Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Cloud Data as a Service (DaaS),Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Cloud Application Software as a Service (SaaS). And,a strategy on the deployment of forestry resource information cloud computing service, whichwere analyzed from four aspects which are the architecture, deployment model, roleassignment, and the value.
     (2)Forestry resource information cloud service architecture.ACloud Computing ServiceArchitecture of Forestry resource Information (FRI-C2SA) was designed to build amulti-layered three-dimensional structure by using “Layer architecture model” and forestryresource information cloud computing service architecture model. The FRI-C2SA incluedsthree dimensions:4levels of service (IaaS layer, the DaaS layer, PaaS layer and SaaS layer);6 type of IT business application system construction model (traditional, based IaaS, the DaaS,PaaS, and SaaS-based business applications);4class of service support environment (standards,security management, directory and subscription management and operation and maintenancemanagement of cloud computing service). At the same time, a forestry resource cloudcomputing service nodes distributed collaborative deployment patterns was designed toprovide support for the efficiency, flexibility, automation and scalability of the FRI-C2SA.
     (3)Forestry resource information cloud computing infrastructure and the environment.Under the of the framework of forestry resource information cloud computing infrastructureand the environment, the construction mode of computing resource pool, storage resourcespool and network resources pool was researched; a management framework of a global unifiedresource pools of forestry resource information and virtual machine cluster deployment modewas desined to perform effective monitoring, management, control, coordination andscheduling of virtual resource; a forestry resource information cloud computing infrastructureservice center architecture was proposed to provide scalable, highly available and scalableinfrastructure resources and environment for various types of forestry applications.
     (4)Forestry resource data cloud storage and management technology. Under the forestryresource data cloud storage and management, and based on the analysis of structured data andunstructured data of the forestry resource, a storage architecture of forestry resource data wasdesigned to solve the problem of forestry resource data storage structure; a data-parallelpartitioning strategy forestry resource data was put forward through the analysis of the forestryresource parallel divide characteristics, then a forestry resource data cloud storage solutionbased on SN architecture was designed to solve the problem of data storage efficiency of theforestry resource in the environment of large data; based on the analysis of forestry resourcedata processing biodegradable, a parallel processes of forestry resource data was designed toprovide program for mass data processing and analysis of forestry resource; The integratedmodel of forestry resource data was designed to provide ideas for transparent inter-spacemulti-source data integration.
     (5)Forestry resource information cloud service platform. Based on the framework, theforestry resource information cloud computing service platform as a dynamic and sharedmiddleware platform to provide the virtual environments for the development and testing, andoperation management of the forestry business applications by service; the structure of forestryresource information cloud computing platform service stack was designed by referencingSOA and OGC service architecture; a registry and directory organization of the serviceplatform was designed based on layer4service in FRI-C2SA, various types of forestryresource in in the service registration library was effective organized and managed by theservice registration mechanism to ensure the on-demand obtaination and share of businessapplications software and hardware resources and the efficient deployment, operation andmonitoring of the application system.
     (6)Forestry resource information cloud computing application service and case. Based onthe SaaS architecture, a cloud computing applications service framework of the forestryresource information was designed to provide support for the deployment, management andoperation of for the business application softwares; taking the design and development of “'OneMap' for the Forestry Resource Information Service System” as a case, the article verifiedFRI-C2SA and related technologies, then a forestry resource monitoring service platform andfour business application service subsystem were implemented to achieve the integratedmanagement of the forest resource, desertification resource, wetland resource and diversityresource.
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