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Corporate social responsibility has been a hot research problem in a number of disciplines in this century. With the construction of sustainable development-oriented society and the strengthening of people-oriented social values, the corporate social responsibility requirements of the global community has become from the appeals into specific actions, corporate social responsibility has become a powerful international trend. However, the practices of corporate social responsibility in our country is still no good and poses a serious threat to socio-economic development of China, and is not in concord with the constructions of a harmonious society. Therefore, studies of corporate social responsibility have considerable practical significance and urgency of theoretical significance.
     The pressure from stakeholders is one of the reasons for corporate to fulfill their social responsibilities. On this basis, our thesis begins with the theory of stakeholders, and is focus on three core issues in this systematic study, including: theoretical relationship between stakeholders and corporate social responsibilities; stakeholders' role in the regulation or supervision over corporate in fulfilling their social responsibilities; the impact of stakeholders' characteristics on the performance level of corporate social responsibility. This thesis was accomplished by combining qualitative and quantitative research methods on the stakeholders' basis, including theoretical analysis, empirical research and the game theory analysis.
     This thesis can be divided into six parts:
     Part I (Chapter I): This part describs the research background and research purposes, the structure of this thesis, research methods used by this thesis and the main innovations are also included in this part.
     Part II (chapter II): The research literatures of corporate social responsibility both in domestic and foreign countries are reviewed, and a brief comment will be proposed in the final.
     Part III (Chapter III): The relationship of stakeholders and corporate social responsibility is conducted in this part by comparison analysis on a theoretical basis.
     Part IV (Chapter IV and V): In this part, how the stakeholders' supervisions on enterprise influence performance of corporate social responsibility is analyzed with the method of game theory, consisting of static game analysis, dynamic analysis and evolutionary game analysis. The stakeholders in this part include of customers, employees and government.
     Part V (Chapter VI): From the stakeholder theory, this part conducted an empirical research by using the form of a questionnaire survey to collect data, and analyzed the data by using of statistics and research methods of quantitative analysis. The empirical research was conducted on a basis considering both the multi-dimensional nature of social responsibility and influence of stakeholder. Part VI (Chapter VII): The last part concluded the main points of this paper and some problems needed further research. The main innovations of the thesis are as follows:
     This thesis analyzes the stakeholders' supervision on enterprise and its influence on the performance of corporate social responsibility, by using the game theory including static game, dynamic game and evolutionary game approach.
     Because of its multi-dimensional nature, corporate social responsibility should be studied on its each parts concerning with different types of stakeholders. So this thesis used a category performance of social responsibility instead of "total social responsibility" in empirical studies. We test the relationship between social responsibility performance and the characteristics of enterprises including the degree of monopoly, industry risk, profitability, and technology on a category basis so as to avoid the risk of vague study.
     Stakeholders' pressures are the external causes for enterprise to fulfill social responsibilities. Therefore, the empirical study will give consideration to the stakeholders' factors including their organizations performance and average education level of their members.
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