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     2.解析了植株氮/碳营养供应与籽粒产量和品质的形成的机理性关系。增加施氮量和提高追肥比例,提高了各营养器官和冠层各叶片的氮含量,降低了各营养器官和冠层各叶片可溶性总糖含量。营养器官和冠层各叶片碳氮比随施氮量和追肥比例的增加呈降低的趋势。小麦开花期和灌浆期叶片的叶绿素含量、净光合速率、PS Ⅱ最大光化学量子产量(Fv/Fm)、有效光化学量子产量(Fv'/Fm')和实际光化学量子产量(FPSⅡ)随施氮量的增加而增加,氮肥后移及2次追肥作用更明显。分析显示,孕穗和开花期碳氮营养状况对调节籽粒产量和品质效果最为显著。孕穗期和开花期植株氮含量与籽粒产量均呈负的二次极显著曲线关系、与籽粒蛋白质的含量和湿面筋含量呈显著正相关,可溶性总糖含量与籽粒淀粉含量呈显著正相关,营养器官碳氮比与籽粒产量呈显著负相关、与蛋白质含量呈正的二次曲线关系、与淀粉含量呈负的二次曲线关系。表明,协调植株氮碳营养,控制适宜的碳氮比值是弱筋小麦获得优质高产的重要生理基础和调控指标。扬麦9号优质高产营养器官氮含量和碳氮比适宜值为:孕穗期,植株2.06%和2.54,茎鞘1.25%和4.12,叶片3.74%和1.31;开花期,植株1.50%和7.53,茎鞘0.77%和20.17,叶片3.53%和1.05。宁麦9号优质高产营养器官氮含量和碳氮比适宜值为:孕穗期,植株1.98%和2.41,茎鞘1.12%和2.92,叶片3.58%和1.79;开花期,植株1.34%和7.05,茎鞘0.77%和15.86,叶片3.20%和1.01。
With the fast development in specializing wheat production, weak-gluten wheat are receiving more and more attentions. Better understanding physiological mechanisms and exploring regulations in grain quality formation are becoming important in wheat cultivation and management. This study were conducted in2003-2005using two weak-gluten wheat cultivars, Yangmai9and Ningmai9, for the objectives:to explore grain quality formation based on the assimilation and translocation of carbon and nitrogen; to study photosynthetic characters and regulatory enzyme activities in relation to the previous processes in weak-gluten wheat under different nitrogen rates and dressing ratios; to find out the regulation mechanisms of nitrogen strategies and to optimize population targeted at high-quality and high yield.
     The main findings are:
     1. Significant effects of nitrogen fertilizer on grain quality. Increasing nitrogen rates and dressing ratios enhanced grain protein content, test weight, wet gluten content, sedimentation value, water absorption and stability time, while grain starch content and dough degree of softening were reduced. Development time of dough increased with increasing nitrogen rates and decreased with increasing dressing ratios. Increasing nitrogen fertilizer rates raised all the grain protein components in the orders of gliadin>glutenin> albumin>globulin, while only gliadin and glutenin content increased under high dressing ratio treatments. Amylose content and the ratio of amylose/amylopectin increased with nitrogen rates and dressing ratios, but the amylopectin content was reduced. Under the same N fertilizer rate, i.e.180kg N-hm"2, grain yield, the contents of crude protein, gliadin and glutenin content, amylose and amylose/amylopectin increased under two topdressing of7:2:1compared to one topdressing of7:3, but the contents of total starch and amylopectin decreased. It is showed that globulin, gliadin and glutenin had significant relationships with processing quality by regression analysis.
     2. Close relationships of grain quality and yield formations to N/C assimilations and allocations within plant. Increasing nitrogen rates and high topdressing ratio enhanced the nitrogen content in the canopy and reduced total soluble sugar content. The ratio of C/N of canopy decreased with increasing N rates. After anthesis till mid-filling, the chlorophyll content (SPAD), the net photosynthetic rate (Pn), chlorophyll a fluorescence (Fv/Fm, Fv'/Fm'and FPSⅡ) parameter of flag leaves increase in accordance with the increasing nitrogen rates, especially for the treatments of high topdressing. Analysis reveals that during booting and anthesis, nitrogen content of canopy had a'bell'curve relationships to grain yield, and positive relationships to protein and wet gluten. Soluble sugar had positive relationships to total starch contents. C/N ratio of the wheat nutritorium had negative correlation with yield, and had second polynomial curves with protein and starch contents. Experimental results showed that the appropriate parameters of the nitrogen content and C/N ratio for weak glutenin wheat are:at booting stage, plant1.98%and2.14, stem and sheath1.12%and2.92, leaf3.58%and1.79; at anthesis stage, plant1.34%and7.05, stem and sheath0.77%and15.86, leaf3.20%and1.01, respectively.
     3. Significant influence of nitrogen strategies on C and N assimilations and allocations after anthesis. Increasing nitrogen rates and high topdressing ratios significantly increase the dry matter accumulation after anthesis and its contribution to grain yield, while reduced the translocation amount of dry matter accumulated pre-anthesis and its contribution to grain yield, as well as nitrogen accumulation pre-anthesis, nitrogen translocation, and its contribution to grain increased. The substrate of grain formation mainly comes from dry matter accumulation after anthesis while the nitrogen for protein synthesis from the redistribution of stored nitrogen before anthesis.
     4. Nitrogen fertilizer regimes can regulate the activities of protein and starch synthases. Increasing nitrogen rates or high topdressing percentages increased the activities of glutamine synthase (GS) and glutamate pyruvic aminotransferase (GPT) in flag leaves and grains, but reduced the activities of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) during early grain filling stage. The activities of sucrose synthase(SS), granule-bound starch synthase(GBSS) and soluble starch synthase(SSS) increased with increasing N rates.
     5. Improving N regimes for optimal wheat population is the base in wheat production for high yield and high grain quality. Leaf area index (LAI) at booting increased with increasing nitrogen rates. Grain yield, biomass at maturing and dry matter accumulation post-anthesis were parabolically related to nitrogen rates. The contents of protein and wet gluten in grains were positively correlated with nitrogen rates. High topdressing of N fertilizer increased biomass at mature, biomass accumulation after anthesis, fertilized tillers, LAI at booting, grain yield and quality. Aiming at high grain quality combining yield of7 Mg hm-2, it is recommended that nitrogen rate of200kg·hm-2with a base to dressing percentage of7:2:1should be applied in weak-gluten wheat, the corresponding population index was found out to be6.9of the highest LAI at booting,5300kg·hm-2of dry matter accumulation post-anthesis,16500kg·hm-2of biomass at maturing,466×104·hm-2of spike number and50%of spike rate.
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