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This Dissertation use rebuild of PanGang Blast Furnace NO.1 as background, study and discuss BF three class control mode. Mostly task is how to form the three class mode of BF control system, and how to design those system, and how to realize the function, study and discuss the question of development trend.
    Firstly, through introduce BF technics to analyse characteristic of BF technics flow, bring forward mostly model of BF manufacture and take to a certainty study and discuss, and expound the function of every model. Bases cybernatic view, bring up base idea of BF control, study and discuss the hiberarchy and function of BF control system. Formed BF three class control mode base on BF base automation system ,BF process control system and BF manufacture manage system. BF base automation system use OVATION system of Westinghouse as an example, BF process control system use VAIRON expert system as an example, BF manufacture manage system use LTMIS as an example.
    Secondly, use OVATION system as an example to discuss some question in designment of BF base automation system ,discuss structure and characteristic of OVATION system ,introduce it's compose of software and hardware, discuss how to realize the function, study some control arithmetic and applications.
    Thirdly, use VAIRON expert system as an example to discuss development and significance of BF expert system, introduce expert system's base idea include it base structure and design step, discuss characteristic of BF expert system, analyse the target of BF expert system optimize operation, expound mostly content and action of BF expert system , include control flow ,operate mode and data processing, study and discuss how to realize the function of expert system.
    Afterward, use LTMIS as an example to discuss design step, design idea, design principle of LAN, confirm network structure , topology structure and communication agreement. Design the software of network ,include system software, applications software of custom function and dynamics data collection. Consider network safety technique and factory practice, establish network safety control system.
    Finally, from five way that include CIMS, BF model, BF measure technique, diagnose technique, intelligence control to study and expect the development trend of BF control technique.
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