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北细辛(Asarum heterotropoides Fr. Schmidt Var. mandshuricum(Maxim) kitag.)(2n=14)为马兜铃科细辛族细辛属杜衡亚属华细辛组植物的1变种,以根入药,味辛,性温,归心、肺、肾经,具有祛风散寒、通窍止痛、温肺化饮之功效,用于风寒感冒、头痛、牙痛、风湿痹痛、痰饮喘咳等疾病的治疗。北细辛是吉林省大宗常用道地中药材,我国在20世纪80年代开始了北细辛野生变家植的驯化过程,并取得了重大成功。现在,人工种植北细辛已经在北细辛的应用中占主导地位。然而在人工种植过程中有许多问题亟待解决。本文对北细辛种子发育特性及萌发特性、贮藏方法及北细辛光合生理特性及光照强度对北细辛生长发育、品质的影响进行了研究。
     3.光照对叶片影响的解剖研究。出苗后分别给予4种光照条件后,进入果期后全光照条件下(Ⅰ)北细辛叶片开始发生光灼伤现象, 50%自然光照条件(Ⅱ)、28%自然光照条件(Ⅲ)、和12%自然光照条件下(Ⅳ)的细辛叶片生长发育良好。在全光照条件下,未发生灼伤的叶片叶肉细胞发生严重的质壁分离现象、细胞器外泄到细胞间隙,细细胞中出现过氧化物酶体、酚类、质体小球等,细胞核核膜破裂、有的叶绿体基粒片层模糊不清、有的片层清晰、叶绿体双层膜结构模糊、线粒体脊消失、双层膜消失等。发生灼伤的叶片叶肉细胞中的细胞器丧失、细胞内容物凝聚粘连、细胞严重变形、细胞器消失凝聚。其他3个光照条件下,叶肉细胞的细胞器生长发育良好,结构清晰完整。叶绿体中基粒片层结构清晰,细胞中其他细胞器形态清晰完整。在4种光照条件下,叶肉细胞横切解剖结构和叶表皮扫描结构也有差异,具体表现为栅栏组织、海绵组织和气孔、非腺毛等的分布。
     4.光照对北细辛光合生理特性的影响研究。叶片中叶绿素b含量类胡萝卜素含量均随遮荫程度的增加而增加,比叶重随遮荫程度的增加而减小。在7个生育期内,日均净光合速率随遮荫程度的加强而逐渐减小。在全光照条件下的3个生育期,净光合日变化呈双峰曲线变化, 50%自然光照条件下,展叶期、花期和果初期净光合日变化呈双峰曲线变化,其他4个生育期呈单峰曲线变化。其他2个光照条件下,花期净光合日变化呈双峰曲线变化,其他6个生育期呈单峰曲线变化。4种光照条件下,所有生态因子均呈单峰曲线变化。对不同光照条件下,北细辛展叶期和果中期2个生育期的环境因子间相关关系表明,大气温度(T)与叶片与大气间的水蒸汽压亏缺(VPD)成极显著正相关系(p<0.01),与大气相对湿度(%RH)呈极显著负相关(p<0.01)。叶片与大气间的水蒸汽压亏缺(VPD)与大气相对湿度(%RH)呈极显著负相关(p<0.01)。
Asarum heterotropoides Fr. Schmidt Var. mandshuricum(Maxim) kitag.(2n=14)which was a variety of Asarum sieboldii Miq.was named as liaoxiixn,xishen,and yandaiguohua et al. Because its nature was warm and having pungnent and it had the function of relieving rheumatism and chills, alleviating pain,expelling wind and promoting the restoration consciousness, So, the dried radix was selected as Chinese medicine to treat the cold,headache,toothache and rheumatism arthralgia et al. Asarum heterotropoides Fr.Var. mandshuricum(Maxim) kitag.was the traditional material medica of Jilin province.The wild plant resources had been exhausted because they were damaged and over-collected.In china northeast, the cultural technique of artificial domestication and cultivation had been studied from 1980s.And,some technique had been put into practice. At present, the main source of medicine came from the cultivating plants. But, there were many problem should be cried out for solutions which had arisen in course of the cultivating of Asarum heterotropoides Fr.Var. mandshuricum(Maxim) kitag. In this paper, the seed developmental and germination characteristics, storage and photosynthetic ecophysiology of Asarum heterotropoides Fr.Var. mandshuricum(Maxim) kitag. were studied.
     The germination ability,vigor and embryo of Asarum heterotropoides Fr.Var. mandshuricum(Max- im) kitag. seeds were studied in this paper. The results showed that the embryo couldn’t germinate at any condition which was 25℃and 3500lx~4000 lx or 25℃and darkness. The seed could germinate at 25℃and 3500lx~4000 lx after 5 weeks but not germinating at 25℃and darkness. The ratio of vigor could remain constant during the seed preservation in wet sand which was 88.3%~93.7.7%. The appearance of embryo changed with the preservation time progressively through microscopic observation. The development process of embryo could be described as globular shape to heart-shaped stage, torpedo-shaped stage to mature cotyledons stage. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assary was used to detected the content of four kinds of endogenous phytohormone named as ABA,GA3,IAA and ZR respectively. The result showed that the content of endogenous phytohormone changed continuously during the embryo development. The ABA content was128.55ng/g~327.35ng/g during the embryo deve-
     lopment and rised in the first two weeks then reduced. The GA3 content was 0.01ng/g~5.56ng/g during the embryo development whose variation curve was similar to parabola. And, at the fifth week, the content rised highest level.In addition, the variation curve of ZR content was similar to parabola and the content rised high level at the fifth week too. The IAA content variation curve was similar to wave. The germination characteristic of seed was studied in the experiment. The result showed the seed need light stimulation during germinating and could germinate at 15℃,18℃,20℃,25℃but couldn’t germinate at 10℃or 28℃.Especially, we concluded that the optimum temperature for seed germination was 15℃.The seed was stored at 4℃in refrigerator twenty four mouth had the germination ability and the percentage of germination was about 95% which was same as fresh seed. So, we believed that this method could be used to store seed.
     The content of chlorophyll b and caroteniod in the leaves increased with the shading intensity. But, LMA reduced with the shading intensity .The net photosynthetic rate of plant leaves was“double peak”diurnal curve when they had been in the unwrapping stage,blooming stage and initial fruit stage. And other ecological factors was“single peak”diurnal curve.The plant leaves net photosynthetic rate was“double peak”diurnal curve grew under the 50% nature sunlight intensity condition when they had been in unwrapping stage, blooming stage and initial stage. And in other four stages, the net photosynthetic rate of plant leaves was“single peak”.The ecological factors was“single peak”diurnal curve too. Under the 28% and 12% nature sunlight intensity condition,the plant leaves net photosynthetic rate was“double peak”diurnal curve in their blooming stage and“single peak”diurnal curve in their other six phenological phase.
     In all the seven phenological phase,the net photosynthetic rate reduced with the shading intensity increase. This suggested that shading intensity had effected the leaves net photosynthetic rate.The correlation between net photosynthetic rate (Pn)and other ecological factors were analysed by spss 13.0 software, the statistics showed that there were no evident single correlation between Pn and other ecological factors. But, the correlation between ecological factors had been analysed that was the temperature of air and vapor pressure deficit(VPD) have correlated positive effect. But there had been correlated negatively effect between temperature of air and relative humidity(%RH ).The other,VPD and %RH had correlated negatively effect.
     In unwrapping stage of plant, the four different sunlight intensity condition mentioned above were offerd. About one mouth later, the leaf were sunburned grew under the nature sunlight condition.The ultrastructure of mesophyll cell had been destructed. Before the leaf were sunburned,there had been a number substance for example peroxisome, phenols and plastid in the cell.All together, plasmolysis had apperenced and the organell had leaked into cell interval.In addition, the grana lamella were blurred and membrane of organell dissolving. when leaf were sunburned,the ultrastructure of mesophyll cell had be- en destructed quite seriously leading to all organell and cytoplasm adhesion together. Meanwhile, the cholraplast membranes had dissolved and stroma of the chloroplast had disappeared. But, In another three sunlight intensity condition, the leaf grew very well and all the organell were clear and well- structured. The anatomical structure of leaf grew under the four different sunlight intensity condition apperenced difference. For example, The palisade tissue and spongy tissue distribution and stoma num- ber et al.
     The unwrapping stage, blooming stage, the initial fruit stage, fructescence and wither stage was investigated during the growth period under the different sunlight intensity which was 100%(50%nature sunlight before 10/6,Ⅰ)、50%(Ⅱ)、28%(Ⅲ)、12%(Ⅳ)natural sunlight. The result showed that there was difference in the date of the phenological phase. Among these phenological phase, the unwrapping stage, blooming stage and the early fruit stage postponed about 2 days with the sunlight intensity reduced. In addition, the infection rate of leaf spot, the drying rate and volatile oil of radix grown under the different sunlight intensity stated as above were detected. The result showed that the infection rate of leaf spot which was 88.46%,70.00%,0.23%and0.07% respectively was lessened with the sunlight intensity reduced and the volatile oil content which was 1.81 ( ml/100g ) ,1.76(ml/100g),1.63(ml/100g)and1.53(ml/100g)decreased with the sunlight intensity reduced. The components of volatile oil extracted from the dried radix grown under the four different sunlight intensity condition was scanned by GS-MS respectively. The result indicated there was the distinct difference between the total ion current spectrums and the component. But, the difference of every kind of component didn’t show the linear trend such as volatile oil of dried radix. Comparing the component of four kinds of volatile oil, the methyl eugenol was 46.75% and safrol was 11.42% in the volatile oil of dried radix growth under the sunlight intensity being 28%. Likewise in this sunlight intensity,the there was the highest methyl eugenol and the lowest safrol content. The total content of dried radix which under the different sunlight conditionⅠ,Ⅱ,ⅢandⅣwas 9.76%,5.64%,6.5%and6.65% respectively. And, the acid-insoluble ash content of radix mentioned above was 3.87%,1.04%,1.87% and 1.71% respectively. In addition, the extracts content was 23.45%,22.45%,22.18% and 21.12% and the Asarinin content was 0.285%、0.291%、0.279% and 0.252% respectively. Beside volatile oils, all index of quality of Asarum heterotropoides Fr.Var. mandshuricum(Maxim) kitag. could meet the standard of Chinese pharmacopoeia 2010.
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