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With the accelerating process of economic globalization, human economic andsocial life has crossed the boundaries of countries and regions in space, and on a globalscale to show a full range of communication and exchanges, at present thiscommunication and exchange has from the economic field extensions and expanded tothe culture field. Culture between the countries and peoples of the world constantlyacross the country, the national geographic barriers and social obstacles to interaction,penetration and impact. Various cultures, all kinds of thoughts blending and stirringeach other, opened a new era in the history of the world. This has had a positive impacton the socialist culture construction with Chinese characteristics, and a negative effect;not only provides a good opportunity, and put forward a severe challenge.Therefore,how to capitalize on the trend, do not lose the opportunity, better respond to challenges,further promote and improve the socialist culture construction with Chinesecharacteristics, which is both a major theoretical problem, but also the practicepresented to us a major issue to be solved.
     Research framework of this paper is mainly divided into five chapters, which ismainly based on the following considerations: First of all, from the concept of time, sortout the course of Korea's culture industry development and research from the verticallevel, this comprehensive review Korea culture industry development present situationand characteristics to form a "macro-image"; Secondly, from the concept of space, tofocus on the layout of the development of the Korea culture industry and research fromthe transverse level, and thus a comprehensive analysis of the mode of operation andpractical effect of Korea culture industry to form a "middle knowledge"; Finally,starting from the problem point of view, make specific recommendations for the furtherdeepening of the China-Korea culture industry cooperation, so as to make"micro-interpretation". Thus, to rationalize the logical mind of the time-space-question, form the analytical framework of "macro-image"-"middle knowledge"-"micro-interpretation ". Design and arrangement of specific chapters are as follows:
     The first chapter, The culture industry and its development theory of interpretation.From the "culture industry" concept connotation and denotation of cut in analyses,comprehensive interpretation of the culture industry development theory of the majorschools and their viewpoints, the relevant factors and their value. In Korea, the cultureindustry are called "content industry", it refers to the culture commodity production,circulation and consumption in relation to the industry, Including film and television,radio, video, game, animation, cartoon image, performance, culture relic, art,advertising, publishing printing, creative design, traditional crafts, traditional clothing,traditional food, multimedia video software, network and their relevant industry. ToFrankfurt School's critical theory for the dawn of the culture industry, presently formedthe Frankfurt School, the British school (also known as the Birmingham Academy) andto the United States as the representative of the contemporary western culture industryschool application of the three theories.
     The second chapter, Korea culture industry development course and basiccharacteristics. Korea culture industry development main course can be divided into theinitial stage, turn into the stage and the current stage. As the economic outlook is differ,industry base is different, the Korea culture industry policy objectives, concepts andmeasures are also different at different times. In general, the government departmentshall give a positive support and guide, clear the role of the market and adhere to theindustrialization, emphasize and highlight the importance of culture industrydevelopment and strategic, is throughout Korea culture industry development process inthree main features.
     The third chapter, the Korea culture industry development mode of operation. Theculture industry belongs to the spirit of the production of industrial products, the highlydependent on the spirit of personalized creative work, therefore, its development andoperation has its own unique mechanism and mode. Korea culture industry developmentmodes of operation include the government operation, the enterprise operation andsocial operation three types. Among them, the government is from the macroscopiclevel of strategic planning and put forward measures to guide; Culture enterprises arethe specific actors to practice the development of culture industry, take the market as the guidance, the pursuit of the maximal corporate profits; Social organization, give fullplay to the role of "link", provide basic value of the related services.
     The fourth chapter, Korea culture industry structure evolution and effect evaluation.The evolution of Korea culture industry structure is in the leading of government policy,the inevitable result of market regulation. Korea culture industry structure in the initial,turn into and the current three stages revealed different characteristics, and thedifference was built on the characteristics of the Korea government's policy on differentpoints to. Korea culture industry in the initial stage development is slow, to turn into itsscale and influence are continuously upgrade, current stage Korea is constantly optimizethe industrial structure, high and new technology department to get more market shareand policy tilt.
     The fifth chapter, the proposal to deepen the cooperation of China-Korea cultureindustry. To further promote and deepen the cooperation of China-Korea cultureindustry, to expand and enhance the economic basis for cooperation between the twocountries and to accelerate the development of China's culture industry has a strategicsignificance. In this regard, from six specific aspects improve and deepen: One is toestablish a cooperative development consciousness; Two is to make commondevelopment strategy; Three is to form a multiple cooperation system; Four is to realizethe market mechanism fusion; five is to jointly promote the talent training; six is a jointresearch focus area.
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