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"China's Tumen River Area Development Cooperation Strategy Plan " approvedmore than five years, Changjitu regional economic integration and rapid developmentof the division of industrial space, at the same time, there have been some noteworthynew phenomena, new trends and issues. Systematic study of new phenomena, newtrends and problem space Changjitu regions appear in its development division, toenrich the theory and implementation of a national strategy to promote Changjituregional economics are important. Papers from the system combing the space divisionof the basic theory, empirical analysis of the evolution of trends Changjitu regionalindustrial space division and the division of space capabilities, characteristics andproblems, and finally based on theoretical and empirical analysis of the conclusions ofthe space division of the region 's strategic Changjitu.
     By combing the new economic historians approach the study of the literaturereveals division: division of labor in the form of a certain total and then technical andinstitutional environment to adapt and change as technology and system changes.
     " The basic theory of the division of space " section explains the context of thedevelopment of the theory of division of labor, focusing on the division of labor fromthe industrial space, space and space division features three aspects of the theoreticalframework of the division of space to sort out the division of labor theory, to furtherexplore the space division of the economy, promote mechanisms the relevant principle.Smith found that " the market decide the scope of the division of labor " and Young "division decided to division of labor" argument can be placed in the framework of technical, institutional and division to give an explanation of the interaction.Industrial division to the internal logic of the evolution of division of functions thatagglomeration and dispersion mechanisms of economic activity. Since the1990s, withthe development of information technology, transportation, geographers entangled inthe "distance fade away " illusion, and busy to respond. And it is with transportationand information technology advances, the transportation costs from the perspective of"distance fade away " is real; But from the perspective of knowledge spillovers due tospace constraints knowledge spillovers from innovative economy is still dependentactivities have a significant impact on the layout, so as to promote inter-regionaldivision of the traditional industrial division of functions began to evolve.
     "Space division Changjitu industry 'section, clear the area of industrialdevelopment on the basis of the status, select the appropriate method for measuringindustrial space division, the division of industrial space was measured, and themeasurement results of the analysis made. Location index measurements showed thatthe long, industry performance Kyrgyzstan cities of "the strong stronger and the weakweaker " form of industrial space division level showing a steady rising trend.
     "Space capabilities Changjitu division " section, on the basis of combing thedevelopment of producer services division and function theory, select the appropriatefunction division of measurement methods, Changchun, Jilin and Yanbian threefunctional division of the development of the city state has been measured, and madea horizontal comparison and trend analysis. From the functional division of labor index,Changchun City, Jilin and Yanbian With the deepening of regional economicintegration, the degree of participation in regional functional division of labor areincreasing, Changchun increasingly take on more production services, Jilinincreasingly assume more multiple manufacturing capabilities, well away fromYanbian Changjitu two cities, to a more balanced development of the manufacturingsector and production services, but manufacturing function is still dominant than the production services.
     " Changjitu space division strategy " section, from the basic conditions toimplement a strategic viewpoint, in accordance with established ideas proposedregional spatial integration, optimize the industrial space division, the division offunctions to enhance the town three major strategic initiatives. The main point of thischapter is: should be in accordance with the industrial space by the " fragmentation "to " functional blocks " to enhance urban development differentiation, division generalidea of boosting transportation network, the implementation of regional spatialintegration strategy-focus on promoting long-Ji, Yan Long Hui integration,accelerate the construction of Changchun and Jilin metropolitan area metropolitanareas; implementation of key strategic industrial area-construction of three keyindustry areas, cultivating eight industrial base; implementation of the division offunctions to enhance the strategic town-to play a leading role in the area ofChangchun City, the scientific positioning functional areas other major towns, andoptimize regional urban level system functions. In order to play a leading regional rolein the development of Changchun city, it is necessary to accelerate the rapiddevelopment of the productive, commercial sex industry, and enhance the high-tech,science, culture, education, health, information technology and other aspects of theservice function, strengthen international Changchun efforts in building airports,regional railway hubs and other transportation services, and promote theindustrialization process of the high-end integrated services to promote high-endmanufacturing industry cluster, through the upgrading of industrial structure, promoteindustrial diffusion function Changchun.
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