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     植物表达载体pBin438-SeNHX1转化烟草,过量表达SeNHX1的转基因烟草在离体和盆栽盐胁迫下,均可提高其耐盐性。盆栽盐胁迫下,经过相同盐量的处理,盆栽土Na~+含量大于9.7mg/g时,SeNHX1转基因烟草下部老叶Na~+含量比野生型相应部位的Na~+含量高2.3mg/g FW,嫩叶中的脯氨酸含量比野生型高0.36mg/g FW,两者均达到显著水平;而丙二醛(MDA)含量显著更低。这些结果可以初步推断SeNHX1转基因烟草提高其耐盐性的机制:首先,转基因烟草可吸收盐土中更多的Na~+,促进水份的吸收与利用。其次启动离子分配机制,将吸收的Na~+更多地积累于老叶,防止幼嫩组织受到Na~+的毒害;在细胞水平上,SeNHX1转基因烟草将更多Na~+的区隔化于液泡,防止膜脂和酶活性受到伤害。
     植物表达载体pBin438-SeNHX1转化洋桔梗,通过检测表明SeNHX1基因已经整合到洋桔梗基因组中,并实现转录。过量表达SeNHX1的转基因洋桔梗组培苗可在含有150mmol/L NaCl培养基中正常生长,叶片中脯氨酸含量比野生型高0.5mg/g FW,两者间达到显著差异,表现了更强的耐盐性。通过移栽管理,获得10株苗龄2个月的转基因洋桔梗。
Salinity stress is one of the most serious factors limiting the growth of plants.Many research topics focus on breeding salt-resistant varieties by geneticengineering. In this study, In order to breed salt-resistant variety of EustomaGradiflorum, we firstly analyzed the function, localization and salt–tolerancemechanism of SeNHX1in yeast and tobacco, and then transformed it into targetplants.
     Yeast expression vector pYES2-SeNHX1,pYES2-GFP, pYES2-SeNHX1-GFP,and binary plant expression vector PBin438-SeNHX1were constructed, and then wasintroduced into S. cerevisiae and plants respectively. SeNHX1was localized on thevacuolar membrane of yeast by fluorescence assay. The function of Na~+-detoxicationin the nhx1mutant strain296H and higher salt tolerance in the strain W303, whichall contained the vectors of pYES2-SeNHX1or pYES2-SeNHX1-GFP, were gained.
     Overexpression of SeNHX1in tobacco increased salt tolerance in both “in vitro”and pot culture. when the Na~+content in pot soil was more than9.7mg/g, comparedto wild-type, transgenic plants accumulated2.3mg/g FW greater amount of Na~+inold leaves and0.36mg/g FW higher proline in young leaves, but themalondialdehyde (MDA) content was significantly lower, The research findingsdisplay a strategy to improve tolerance to salt in SeNHX1-transgenic tobacco by (1)absorbing more Na~+for growth in saline soil,(2) accumulating Na~+in old leaves toprevent young tissue from Na~+-toxicity,(3) then, pumping Na~+into vacuole bySeNHX1for detoxification.
     In addition, Eustoma Gradiflorum was transformed by C58withpBin438-SeNHX1, and salt tolerance transgenic plants of Eustoma Gradiflorum havegrown normally for two months in greenhouse.
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