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Tibet Plateau is one of rare places where people's influence is limited. Great structural adjustment is undergoing in the area with the action of people recently. The ecological environment is frail in many of the area. The economy development depends on traditional stockbreeding and grew slowly. Single economic structure can't fit the development of modern society. The overloading of herds is increased by the requirement of economy growth, which caused the high environmental pressure. The unique tour resource of Tibet plateau is an advantage of tour development. The local tourism is just beginning and the attracted tourists is increasing. But the tourism is a double-edged sword to the environment. The local Society-Environment-Economy system can be made into the good balance because of tourism, otherwise, the local ecological balance perhaps will be in danger of demolishing.
    The township of Tanggulashan locates in the middle of the plateau, which can be the model of the whole plateau. The stockbreeding is its main property and the overloading of herds is seriouly. The tourism has a good future. The Tibet Railway is one of the standardlands in the Go West Campaign, which supplies the chance for the development stockbreeding and tourism. The township shall get more support of finance,technology and human resource and face strong competition
    These contents will be discussed in the paper: how to use the chance of the railway building, reduce the pressure of natural grassland, to protect the local ecological environment when developing the tourism, analyze and emphasize the necessary of local society development.
    For the stockbreeding, the number of herds ought to be decided by the product of grass and the breeding period will be shorted. The appearance of overloading will be reduced. The stockbreeding chain can be extend through the adding the ability of more process. The new tourism can supply more space for reducing the bad influence from stockbreeding. Some finance and human resource can be flowed into the fields.It can change the single economic structure in the village and advance the economic growth.
    The development of tourism can not destroy the environment. Its tourism can be devided into two parts: the normal tourism around the Tuotuoheyan, the special tourism around the Yangtze source area. The influence of the enironment will be emphazied in the calculation of TEBC (Tour Environmental Carry Capacity) . The tour wil be small size and show the character of ecotourism. The main visitor fountain is the persons who go to Tibet through the township. The unique Yangtze source and high technology will be the brand in the pass-through tour in the area. The number of visitors will be limited in the special tourism.
    The participation of local ppeople will be important in the development of stockbreeding and tourism. Then the sustainability, environmentaland social benefit can be guaranteed. The loss of tour benefit and bad influence of environment can be limited in a small scope. The development model of the Tanggulashan Township can be the sample of sustainable development about the Society-Economy-Environment for the other places in the Tibet plateau.
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