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     为将应急预警过程自动化、智能化,本文设计并实现了移动综合应急预警系统。系统采用C/S架构,C/S之间采用基于UDP的协议进行通信。系统主要由告警采集进程、服务器端进程和客户端进程三部分构成。首先,告警采集进程使用IOCP作为网络IO模型,满足网络并发性高的要求,设计的内存池加高效缓冲方案提高了网络吞吐量;其次,服务器端进程实现预警判决、任务调度、预警通知以及预警实施;再次,客户端进程实现了数据统计、报表生成以及对服务器端进程的配置,包括任务配置、预警门限配置、短信模板编辑、预警指令生成等功能;最后,对网络运行的重要参数CP负荷使用支持向量机回归预测方法进行预测。本系统采用Microsoft Visual Studio 2008作为开发平台,开发语言采用C++和C≠,数据库采用Microsoft SQL Server 2005。
The safety and stability of mobile communication network the operation is very important for national security and social stability.In order to establish and perfect the national communication security and communications emergency work mechanism, in 2006 the State Council published The National Communication Support Emergency Plan.The telecomm-unication operators are establishing their own network emergency plan to improve emergency warning level.
     Currently, the situation of emergency warning is that mobile network optimization staff uses equipment monitoring software provided by equipment manufacturers to realize optimization. The method is using the manual way, monitoring large character information, artificial warning and adjusting network parameters through the manual command line.
     To emergency warning process automatically and intelligently, this paper designs and realizes mobile comprehensive emergency and warning system.System using C/S architecture. Server and clients communicate using protocol based on UDP.It mainly divides into alarm collecting process, the server process and the client process. Alarm collection peocess having the highest network simultaneity demand use IOCP as IO model, the paper presents the design of memory pool and efficient buffer solution improve system throughput.The server process realize warning task scheduling, judgment and the early warning notice and warning implementation. The client process majors in data statistics and report generation as well as to the server process configuration, including task configuration,warning threshold configuration, message template editing,warning instructions generation etc.Finally,it forecasts the important parameter of the network operation CP load using support vector machine regression forecast method. The system uses Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 as a development platform, using C++and C# as the development language, using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 as database.
     The system has been in operation for 6 months, which can real-time monitoring 100 network nodes. Data acquisition throughput is not less than 854 KB/s, alarm data collection period is 5 minutes and a warning process cycle is 15 minutes. The MAPE of CP load forecasting is 1.7912%.Systen operates stably and reliably, achieving the anticipated goal.
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