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Automobile is the symbol of modern civilization, To a large extent it satisfies the demands of people's live and job, bring people speed, efficiency, convenience and enjoyment, and enlarge the space of people's activity. In a word, it elevates the degree of human's civilization. The automobile industry is the represent of one country's industrialization and manufacturing, and also the pillar industry of many countries'. It has much relationship with many industry branches and high working depth in itself. Contribute to people's hard-work, the automobile industry of China has got quiet great development and great achievements although it has only about fifty years' history from the establishment after foundation of PRC to nowadays. At the same time, China has become the largest automobile market in the world along with the rise of its' integrate economy strength. Nevertheless, it always cling to introducing foreign technology into itself on its developing way owning to the gap between foreign countries' and itself'. So combined with the backgrounds of nowadays and the view from the angle of Jiangsu province comes the springboard of this dissertation that how to develop the automobile industry of China and Jiangsu province in a fine way, how to cooperate with transnational automobile group in a efficient and reasonable way, and how to deal with the key problems emerge in the way of developing, and etc.
    At first the dissertation introduces the status of automobile industry in China and analyze it's significance of being pillar industry, and from this goes to the status of automobile industry of Jiangsu province in its national economy system. Then it introduces the current situation and characteristic of automobile industry in China from the aspect of technology, marketing, policy, tariff and non-tariff barriers, imports and exports, and so on. Thus it illustrates some typical case in developing automobile industry and cooperating with transnational automobile group on foundation of study of other countries, and analyzes its use for reference to China. Also it analyzes the conditions of Shanghai's and Jiangsu province's automobile industry and how they cooperate with foreign automobile group. Now China has just taken part in WTO, so
    this dissertation analyzes what's influence that the implement of promises to WTO brings to China and Jiangsu province from this two points and brings some countermeasures in the author's viewpoint.
    The combining process between China's automobile industry and foreign capital exactly is the process with transnational automobile group. During this process one problem perplex Chinese is that homemade-percentage of automobile which has been a main goal in a long time from the period that there is no self-made automobile to nowadays. China has got great achievements to increase homemade-percentage in developing China's automobile industry. But just before enjoy this, it is faced the dilemma of how to deal with increasing homemade-percentage and engaging in the trend of purchasing of automobile parts now. For that China has just took part in WTO and will fulfill the promises to WTO in a certain time limit so it will also be faced with the trend of world-wide division of work. Also how to avoid punishment-law and achieve economy of scale, how to understand national economy correctly and redefine ethical automobile industry is the strategy problem must be solved in the developing process with China' characteristics.
    Upon the right understanding of ethical automobile, the dissertation analyzes how to improve the ability for technical innovation,which has to be done with no break during the process cooperating with transnational automobile group and so to achieve durative development. We wish to see a phase with hot equivalent competition between homemade automobile and inward automobile. From the angle of technical innovation and the Theory of Schumpeterian, this dissertation attempts to put forward a mode of "government-industry-university-research " to innovate Jiangsu province'
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