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After a comprehensive read the studies about facial attractiveness, combined the theory of structural interview, the researcher simulated the structural appraisal, in order to find the interaction effect between applicant’s facial attractiveness and competence.
     The study combined with three experiments. The first was an experiment about interaction effect of applicant’s sex and competence. The second was an experiment about how the applicant’s facial attractiveness to affect the estimator’s appraise. The last was an experiment about how the applicant’s competence to affect the estimator’s appraise on applicant’s facial attractiveness.
     At last the researcher got four conclusions:
     First, taken the structural appraisal as precondition, the applicant’s competence was the main factor that affected the estimator’s appraise, in the career of both suited male and female.
     Second, the estimator would speculate on applicant’s family environment by their competence and facial attractiveness.
     Third, taken the structural appraisal as precondition, the applicant’s facial attractiveness didn’t remarkably affect the estimate they got.
     Fourth, the different competence level had different effect on estimate of applicant’s facial attractiveness.
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