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The netted-fishing gears are important produced tools and facilities in marine fisheries (marine catching and marine aquaculture mainly), which the main structure is the net. The netted-fishing gears with the structures are withstood by the storm events like as the other ocean engineering structures responded by the wave and current conditions, and then the perspective of durability, security and productiveness of the netted-fishing gears are correlated with the mechanics of ones under the ocean field conditions. Although current factor’s mechanics which could be used for reference of the classical fishing gear hydrodynamics have been well documented, the knowledge of wave force on the fishing gears has not received much attention in the literature. The developing motive and creative advancement of the fisheries industry has become weaken because that the potential security hidden trouble caused the wave events of the fishing gears and sea-cages have hampered the fisheries, and then fisheries economic loss have become more and more, so the insufficient knowledge of the wave force is also a hindrance of development about fishing gear hydrodynamics.
     In the present study, the experiment methods of the netting structures in the wave flume were designed based on the theories of the wave machines and fishing gear hydrodynamic by using the modern facilities and developing technique. The experiments were carried out under regular wave; the wave force and response on the netting structures and the wave parameter were recorded synchronously. The force on the netting panel was examined under different wave conditions, the relationships between the wave force and the parameters of the wave conditions and the net panels dimension were analyzed. The experimental formula of calculating the wave force on the netting panel was derived and the simulated result was then compared with actual
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