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Conflicts between the media industry and society are becoming more and more seriously with the fast development of the media industry. Therefore the lawsuit against tort of news is increasing in recent years. This dissertation tries to study the basic styles of the plea instance against news tort. Based on comparative research of the relative theory the author puts forward the concrete measures to improve the plea instances against news tort.
     This article has four parts except the prelude and postscript.
     Part one: General theory of the News tort and Defence against news tort. First, based on the integrations of various concepts proposed by many scholars, this article clears the concept of news to propose the concept and characteristics of news tort. In addition to the components of general tort, news tort have its own unique nesses such as the works having been published, referring to accuser, unlawfulness of the works, the faults of plaintiff. The article analyses the five main forms of news tort in real lives such as insult, libel, privacy disclosure, content untrue, improper comments. Second, from the start with basic theory of general tort’s defences, it defined content of plea instance to news tort, and in the speech and freedom of the press、the right to know and information disclosure、public supervision aspects it analyses the value of existence to news tort’s defence. This article appeals to take full attentions to the two functions of news tort’s defence such as protect legitimate rights and values, reasonable litigation guide.
     Part two: Categories of the defence against news tort. This chapter studies the styles of plea instance against news tort concretely. Through analysis and comparisons of laws and regulations both at home and abroad, the author discusses several plea instances. They are truthfulness of news, privilege, fair comment, public figure, consent, apologize and reply, public interests and occasions. While discussing truthfulness of news, it compares the similarities and differences of news tort, legal truths and objective truths. Furthermore, the author appeals to respect the incorporated truths in present world. The thesis discusses the gist, scope and definition of origins of authoritative news, then make concrete research on several hot issues. While studying the fair comment, the author considers we should differentiate the reality and mind, then analyzing fair comment and contumelious verbalism. The author comparisons the Sulivan sue and emphasizes the definition of public figure、defences and malicious principle. The defences includes apologize、consent、reply、public interests and occasion, so it reflects the fully understandings、application of private law autonomy and citizens’political freedom.
     Part three: The defence against news tort in comparative law perspectives. This section summarizes and cites a major national legislation, introduced in detail the US, the UK and Japanese’s news tort defence system. News tort defence in the US is the real reason, the concessionaire communication, protection of view, consent and reply of the victims. News infringement in the UK is the main subject of legitimate defence true, fair comment, absolutely concessions, a secondary responsibility, provision of compensation and reconciliation settlement agreement. News tort defence in Japan including the main subject of the facts relating to public interest, public interest exemption, authenticity prove, authenticity mistakenly believed and fair comments.
     Part four: Our news infringement defence establishment of the subject system envisaged. China is in a transition period, the cognitive of news’truth、public figures and authority needs for the media to play the role of the public artifacts and community watcher. So while facing the Chinese national conditions, author appeals that establish a strict news elements constitute tortuous liability and“minor crime-not cite”principle, introduce“actual malice”principle and absolutely concession、conditional concession, clear liability waiver system which works were reproduced, recognize the right of reply, consider the apologize as a independent defence. At present,the construction of the system of plea instances against news tort has only taken the first step on the long way, the corresponding legislation all falls far behind the present developed, the general judicial interpretations lack operability. Therefore strengthening the lawmaking is necessary to the judicatory, assurance of human rights and building of a harmonious society apart from the modern great power.
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     ① 梁宁、范春燕主编:《媒介法教学参考资料》,清华大学出版社 2004 年版,第 106 页。
     ① 程六生著:《论新闻侵权的抗辩事由》,载《新闻爱好者》2006 年第 9 期。
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     ① 周泽:《舆论监督光环下的媒体地位反思》,载《法制日报》2002 年 4 月 22 日第 8 版。
     ① 雷振扬、熊中明:《关于新闻自由与新闻侵权问题的思考》,载《河南大学学报》2002 年第 2 期。
     ① 雷振扬、熊中明:《关于新闻自由与新闻侵权问题的思考》,载《河南大学学报》2002 年第 2 期。
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     ① 杨亦烽:《权威消息来源初探》,载《新闻记者》2000 年第 11 期。
    ① 肖嵩:《舆论监督呼唤法律保障》,载《新闻传播》2003 年第 3 期。
    ② 梁宁、范春燕主编:《媒介法教学参考资料》,清华大学出版社 2004 年版,第 106 页。
     ① 侯健著:《舆论监督与名誉权问题研究》,北京大学出版社 2002 年版,第 188 页。
    ① 徐迅:《中国新闻侵权纠纷的四次浪潮》,载《中国青年报》1993 年 8 月 5 日第 8 版。
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    ① 魏永征、张咏华著:《西方传媒的法制、管理和自律》,中国人民大学出版社 2003 年版,第 88 页。
    ② 魏永征、张咏华著:《西方传媒的法制、管理和自律》,中国人民大学出版社 2003 年版,第 90 页。
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     ① Don R Pember. Mass media law.2003-2004 Ed. Boston:McGraw-Hill,2002:218
    ② 载《英汉法律词典》,法律出版社 1999 年版,第 10 页。Accord and satisfaction 指在违反合同或非法侵犯的纠纷中,受害一方和损害他人一方达成的和解并要使受害一方得到赔偿。
    ①Marc Mcdonald, Irish law of defamatiao, 2nd Ed, Dublin:Round Hall Press in association with Irish Academic Press,1989: 263.
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    ① 魏永征、张咏华著:《西方传媒的法制、管理和自律》,中国人民大学出版社 2003 年版,第 121 页。
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    ② Don R Pember ,Mass media law ,2003-2004Ed . Boston:Mcgraw –Hill ,202
    ③ Don R Pember ,Mass media law ,2003-2004Ed . Boston:Mcgraw –Hill ,202
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    ② David Price , Defanation law ,Procedure and Practice Press, London: Sweet and Maxwell ,1997 :84
    ① 刘笛著:《现代西方新闻法制概述》,中国法制出版社 2000 年版,第 37 页。
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     ① 魏永征:《转载失实不能免除责任》,载《中国青年报》2000 年 3 月 8 日第 8 版。
    ① 祝铭山主编:《名誉权纠纷》,中国法制出版社 2003 年版,第 264 页。
    ② 顾红梅:《新闻官司不必谈虎色变——新闻侵害名誉权的抗辩事由浅析》,载《新闻记者》2004 年第 4 期。
    ① 张新宝著:《名誉权的法律保护》,中国政法大学出版社 1997 年版,第 165 页。
    ② David Price , Defanation law ,Procedure and Practice Press.London: Sweet and Maxwell ,1997 :84
    ③ 范文网:《侵权民事责任中的因果关系》,http://www.okfw.com/flcs/2005/10/07/5723-2.html
    ④ Marc Mcdonald ,Irish law of defamation ,2nd Ed ,Dublin :Roubd Hall Press in association with Irish Accademic Press ,1989:235.
    ① 郑立、王作堂主编:《民法学》,北京大学出版社 1999 年版,第 70 页。
    ② 王明锁:《侵权行为之债及其立法路径辨析》,载《中国法学》2007 年第 4 期。
     ① 雷颐:《拯救美国的扒粪运动》,载《南风窗》2002 年第 2 期。
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    2.王利明著:《侵权行为法研究》,中国人民大学出版社 2004 年版。
    3.佟柔主编:《中国民法》,法律出版社 1990 年版。
    4.王利明、杨立新主编:《人格权与新闻侵权》,方正出版社 2000 年版。
    5.张新宝著:《名誉权的法律保护》,中国政法大学出版社 1997 年版。
    6.魏振瀛主编:《民法》,北京大学出版社、高等教育出版社 2002 年版。
    7.刘笛著:《现代西方新闻法制概述》,中国法制出版社 2000 年版。
    8.孙旭培著:《新闻侵权与诉讼》,人民日报出版社 2000 年版。
    9.宋克明著:《英美新闻法制和管理》,中国民主法制出版社 1998 年版。
    10.魏永征、张咏华著:《西方传媒的法制、管理和自律》,中国人民大学出版社2003 年版。
    11.李亚虹著:《美国侵权法》,法律出版社 1999 年版。
    12.李瞻著:《传播法——判例与说明》,三民书局 1992 年版。
    13.黄瑚著:《新闻法规和职业道德》,四川人民出版社 1998 年版。
    14.梁宁、范春燕主编:《媒介法教学参考资料》,清华大学出版社 2004 年版。
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    17.魏永征著:《被告席上的记者》,上海人民出版社 2000 年版。
    18.张千帆著:《西方宪政体系(美国宪法)》,中国政法大学出版社 2000 年版。
    19.祝铭山主编:《名誉权纠纷》,中国法制出版社 2003 年版。
    20.田大宪著:《新闻舆论监督研究》,中国社会科学院出版社 2002 年版。
    21.范长江著:《记者工作随想》,新华出版社 1981 年版。
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    24.Don R. Pember. Mass media law. 2003-2004Ed. Boston: Mcgraw-Hill, 2002:218。
    25.Marc Mcdonald, Irish law of defamation, 2nd Ed, Dublin: Round Hall Press in association with Irish Academic Press, 1989:263。
    26.David Price, Defamation law, procedure and practice, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 1997:84。
    1.王明锁:《侵权行为之债及其立法路径辨析》,载《中国法学》2007 年第 4 期。
    2.郭卫华、常鹏翱:《论新闻侵权的抗辩事由》,载《法学》2002 年第 5 期。
    3.张新宝、康长庆:《名誉权案件审理的情况、问题和对策》,载《现代法学》1997年第 1 期。
    4.雷振扬、熊中明:《关于新闻自由与新闻侵权问题的思考》,载《河南大学学报》2002 年第 2 期。
    5.王伟:《新闻侵权及抗辩事由初探》,载《哈尔滨工业大学法学》2007 年第 4 期。
    6.肖嵩:《舆论监督呼唤法律保障》,载《新闻传播》2003 年第 3 期。
    7.支庭荣:《财产权、人身权与新闻自由的法制化——对美国宪法第一修正案相关内容的一个纵向考察》,载《新闻与传播研究》1999 年第 8 期。
    8.曹越:《从范志毅败诉看舆论监督中公众人物的名誉权问题》,载《新闻战线》2003 年第 6 期。
    9.周大新:《舆论监督中的事实依据和法律依据》,载《记者摇篮》1999 年第 7 期。
    10.程六生著:《论新闻侵权的抗辩事由》,载《新闻爱好者》2006 年第 9 期。
    11.杨亦烽:《权威消息来源初探》,载《新闻记者》2000 年第 11 期。
    12.顾红梅:《新闻官司不必谈虎色变——新闻侵害名誉权的抗辩事由浅析》,载《新闻记者》2004 年第 4 期。
    13.陆定一:《我们关于新闻学的基本观点》,载《中国共产党新闻工作文件汇编》1984 年版。
    14.胡乔木:《人人要学会写新闻》,载《中国新闻事业史选》1999 年版。
    15.雷颐:《拯救美国的扒粪运动》,载《南风窗》2002 年第 2 期。
    16.周泽:《舆论监督光环下的媒体地位反思》,载《法制日报》2002 年 4 月 22 日 第 8 版。
    17.徐迅:《中国新闻侵权纠纷的四次浪潮》,载《中国青年报》1993 年 8 月 5 日第 8 版。
    18.魏永征:《转载失实不能免除责任》,载《中国青年报》2000 年 3 月 8 日第 8 版。
    19.范文网:《侵权责任中的因果关系》, Http://www.okfw.com/flcs/flzh/2005/10/07/5723-2.html。
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