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Corporate governance is one of the hot issues discussed by many subjects filed in the world. In2008, with the world financial crisis, corporate governance once again is paid highly valued in worldwide. And an international wave of improving the governance is raised. Corporate governance has become an important part of modern enterprise' theories and it is an also a kind of practical and artistic strong interdisciplinary comprehensive emerging discipline at the same time.
     China is the world's largest tobacco producer and consumer. Tobacco products are completely monopolized by the state and implemented of the "unified leadership, vertical management, monopoly" management system. With the deepening reform of the tobacco industry, the scale of the tobacco industrial enterprise widened sharply. In order to improving tobacco enterprise's competition and keeping the tobacco industry steady development, it is necessary to explore and conform the characteristics of the modern enterprise system in tobacco industry actively and establish the corporate governance structure gradually. And improve the efficiency of management, stimulate the enterprise vitality. This article, started with the monopoly system and state-owned enterprise management problem, tries to explore a kind of system arrangement that can achieve the delegate-agency cost minimization, maximum management efficiency and fully improve the management performance under the existing system.
     First of all, according to the formation of the history, present situation and development trend of China's tobacco monopoly system, begin with the new institutional economics theory, we analyzed and forecast the reason and developing trends of the tobacco monopoly system. As a result of the government's preference, path dependence and the new system implementation mechanism and other factors do not possessed, we still think that monopoly system will be the foundation of the reform and development in China's tobacco industry in the current and a period of time although there has the support to cancelling the tobacco monopoly system.
     Secondly, in view of the restructuring of the tobacco industry after years of reform, China national tobacco corporation as a single ownership structure of a wholly state-owned company, has been with the provincial industrial co., LTD formed secondary legal necessity of the management system, this paper studies the present situation of the parent and subsidiary companies collectivization management mode and operation mechanism. In the system analysis of the tobacco industry in internal and external environment, the tobacco industry management characteristics, based on the characteristics of the management system, the application of group control theory, this paper puts forward in the administrative monopoly for the characteristics of the management system, to keep the group company to market the rapid reaction capability, improve the operation efficiency and subsidiary vitality, effectively preventing the "big enterprise disease", tobacco group in control on the choice of mode should carry out a "strategic control type" mode, and introduced the operating modes of the safeguard mechanism.
     Third, the tobacco industry of our country property rights system and the reform of modern enterprise management is discussed, a systematic analysis of the governance model of China tobacco enterprise existing problems, and through the and transnational tobacco company governance model of comparative analysis, proposed our country tobacco company governance model optimization principle and key. Through the analysis, it is pointed out that at present, to strengthen the management and improve the tobacco companies is the key to highlight the status of the board of directors, and give full play to the board of directors and directors in the leading role as the core of corporate governance, to strengthen the construction of the board of directors of the building of an efficient and smooth, harmonious management system and operation mechanism.
     Fourth, due to the board of directors in corporate governance is the core position, this paper studies the tobacco enterprise board governance of tobacco enterprise, in the construction mode, working mechanism, the construction of their own problems such as widely on the basis of investigation and study, puts forward the construction of the board of directors of the tobacco enterprises to properly deal with the board of directors and managers, company, corporation functional departments of the party of "three relationship", on the basis of the board of directors structure and around perfect operation mechanism, refined, responsibility, perfect the decision-making mechanism, establishing the evaluation system and so on several key propulsion. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the management of the board of directors, we established Chinese tobacco enterprise' board governance efficiency evaluation model and used AHP analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to give a quantitative analysis of the system's indicators. Through the analysis found that the effect on our country's tobacco the board of directors of the company quality management of the many factors, is the greatest impact on the board of directors is incentive and constraint mechanism, perfect and effective operation. And then put forward in China's tobacco industry the existing management system, improve the quality of the tobacco enterprise board governance is the key, the company put more external influence factors, improve and perfect the subordinate to the board of directors of the company of incentive and constraint mechanism. On this basis, based on incomplete information dynamic game theory based on the theory of the management of the method of game theory studies the principal (China national tobacco corporation) and agent (provincial tobacco industry the board of directors of the company), by analyzing and research on this model, theoretically further demonstrates the board of directors as a commission agent link core part, the necessity of motivation. In the normative research on the basis of how to construct has the Chinese characteristic the tobacco industry enterprise corporate governance model and puts forward some Suggestions.
     Finally, from the view of the system theory, tobacco enterprise, as a wholly state-owned, due to the single structure of the shareholders and the ownership, exposed closed system and lack of communication with the outside of the world, so, it is difficult to form the dissipative structure. In the next step of the development, we should actively through the separation of ownership structure, diversified and internal open, strengthen construction of board of directors, board of supervisors, promoting the manager market level, such as increasing openness system, forming dissipative structure, the company management system to dynamic and orderly balance, make various elements configuration is reasonable, effective and efficient management.
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