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Objective:Clinical observation and animal experiments to explore the tumor chemotherapeutic set the pathogenesis of infusion tube due to phlebitis of the oral Kangmai Ⅱ Capsule and wet compress Galium verum lixivium, the infusion catheter in the treatment of cancer chemotherapy-induced phlebitis has a unique advantages.
     Methods:A randomized controlled method, will comply with the the cancer chemotherapy catheter infusion due to phlebitis30patients divided into observation and treatment group (A) and the control treatment group (B). Group A patients were treated with Kangmai II Capsule, the affected area wet homemade the Galium verum lixivium; the B patients mouth step Tablets, wet compress the affected area50%magnesium sulfate solution. The cure rate of the two groups were observed and serum TNF-alpha, IL-6, D-dimer, Hcy level of change. Experimental study improved ligation rat model of thrombophlebitis, using the Kangmai Ⅱ Capsule oral and Galium verum lixivium wraps Therapy, Maizhilin Tablets oral and magnesium sulfate wet as a control, rats were observed vascular pathological changes and serum D-dimer, tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6, homocysteine, endothelin-1, PAF, PKCa, PAR-1white interleukin-10levels.
     Results:Clinical study:Kangmai Ⅱ Capsule oral and the Galium verum lixivium wet compress the observed treatment group of15patients after treatment,5patients were cured, six cases markedly effective in3cases, and1case has no effect, the cure rate was33.3%, and the total The efficiency was93.3%. Maizhilin Tablets oral and magnesium sulfate wet control treatment group of15patients after treatment,2cases were cured, three cases markedly effective in6cases,4cases, the cure rate was13.3%, total effective rate was73.3%; x2test statistical treatment, the cure rate and total effective rate of the two groups of patients were significantly different (p<0.05), indicating that the patients in group A clinical total effective than group B. Infusion phlebitis patients the levels of TNF-alpha, IL-6, D-dimer, Hcy water SMA increased, wherein TNF-alpha, IL-6is important proinflammatory factor, Hcy is a vascular injury amino acid, D-dimer is one of the hypercoagulable state in vivo and molecular markers of fibrinolysis.
     The serum Show:①The Kangmai Ⅱ Capsule oral and Galium verum leaching solution wet compress to the affected area levels of serum TNF-alpha, IL-6level was significantly lower,it was better than that of Maizhilin Tablets oral and magnesium sulfate injection wet compress treatment group (P<0.05).
     ②Wet compress to the affected area with the Kangmai Ⅱ Capsule oral and Galium verum leaching solution treatment group, plasma homocysteine levels significantly lower, it was better than that of Maizhilin Tablets oral and magnesium sulfate injection wet compress treatment group (P<0.05).
     ③With the Kangmai II Capsule oral and Galium verum leaching solution wet dressing the affected area treatment group, plasma D-dimer levels were significantly lower,it was better than that of Maizhilin Tablets oral and magnesium sulfate injection wet compress treatment group (P<0.05).
     Experimental study:(1) Rats in the day after6hours to three days after another incision surrounding redness, touch some strips, leg swelling, do not like to get together, reduced food intake, reduced drinking water, lack of exercise, such as arched. Proved successful adoption of the improved ligation into the thrombophlebitis rat model.
     (2) After administration of Kangmai II No. rats incision swelling around, touch some strips, leg swelling, do not like to get together, reduced food intake, reduced drinking water, lack of exercise, such as arched degree of symptom relief Mai zhilin Tablets group.
     (3) blank control group:The intimal surface smooth, endothelial cells were spindle shape, uniform size, arranged in neat rows, in membrane of vascular smooth muscle cells.(attached map13)
     Made model6h after the blank group:A small part of micro thrombosis filling in the lumen, wall slightly thinner, vascular endothelial cells without stripping, vascular smooth muscle loose structure, vascular wall and interstitial inflammatory cell infiltrate.(attached map14)
     24hours after the creation of the model:Thrombus is6h bigger, most of filling in the lumen, wall thinning, vascular endothelial cell exfoliation, vascular smooth muscle structure disorder, vascular wall and interstitial inflammatory cell infiltrate e.(attached map15)
     24h blank group after the creation of the model:Thrombus of filling in the lumen, wall became thinner, vascular endothelial cells completely denuded vascular smooth muscle, disorder of loose structure, vascular wall and interstitial inflammatory cells infiltrating.(attached map16)
     24hours after the creation of the model control group:Thrombus is making a model of24h group was significantly smaller, thrombus partially filled into the lumen, vascular endothelial cell is complete, there are few stripping, vascular smooth muscle structure is disorder, inflammatory cell infiltration was significantly reduced, making a model after24h treatment group was most obvious pathological changes.(attached map17/18)
     (4) Kangmai II Capsule can reduce the D-dimer, tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6, homocysteine, endothelin-1, PAF, PKCa, PAR-1level, elevated level of interleukin10.
     (5) model PAF, PKCa, PAR-1three genes were up-regulated.
     Clinical observation:①Using Kangmai Ⅱ Capsule Orally the Galium verum lixivium wet compress to treat cancer patients catheter infusion phlebitis caused by chemotherapy, is the therapeutic infusion phlebitis ideal method, the clinical significance.②Galium verum lixivium Therapy infusion phlebitis originated in China.
     Animal experiments:①the present experiment successfully established through an improved ligation thrombophlebitis model.②Kangmai Ⅱ Capsule can reduce the D-dimer, tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6, homocysteine, endothelin-1, PAF, PKCa, PAR-1level, elevated level of interleukin-10.③PAF, PKCa, PAR-1expression of the three genes up-regulated, may cause thrombophlebitis.
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