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The switch of university student officers’professional role is the process, in which they change their roles from the local college students to a qualified military officers; is the process, in which they acquire the awareness, experience and internalization of professional role; is the premise whether the college student officer achieve the military socialization, and quickly adapt to the force and begin to work efficiently.
     In this paper, the certain one of army regiments is designed as the study object. through the method of survey and non-structure interview, analyze the contents and progress of university student officers’switch of professional role. Based on this, making an integrated use of sociology, organizational sociology and military sociology theory, analyze and research deeply the way to achieve the switch of university student officers’professional role. This study is mainly qualitative research, supplemented by quantitative research. It has some innovative for the professional role theory, and has a certain practical significance on how to improve the level of officer professional role switch.
     Firstly, in this paper 26 university student officers in the army regiment are designed as the specific object of study. Through sorting out the information obtained from the questionnaires and unstructured interviews, this paper analyzes the request proposed by military organization, about professional role skills, professional role norms, relationship between professional roles, and professional role function in the process of professional role switch, in order to reveal the contents and details of professional role switch.
     Secondly, starting from division about the stage of professional roles’switch, this article explains three basic phrases: professional roles’expected socialization, professional roles’initial socialization, adaptation and development of professional roles, comprehensively reproduces the important factors associated with the university student officers’professional role switch.
     Next, in the context of the socialization theory and role theory, on the basis of making detailed analysis on the internal and external factors affecting the professional roles’switch of university student officers, this paper draws a conclusion:the original structure of professional roles’resource restricts the speed and level of professional roles’switch; the communication and practice of professional roles, motivated by internal conversion pressure and external environmental pressure, is the fundamental way to achieve the professional roles’switch of the university student officers.
     Lastly, based on the previous findings, this paper conducts a preliminary study on how to speed up the professional roles’switch and how to improve the ability to play the professional roles of university student officers in the social and individual levels.
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