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Compared with other periods of Chu, the diplomatic relations in the period of Chengwang displayed many differences. It had experienced a process from beginning to developing,from breakdown to begin again. Had formed a set of diplomatic system which corresponded to Chu’s reality, served the competing for a super-state for Chu .The diplomatic system both had started a new situation for Chu’s diplomatic relations and had offered a fine basis for Chu's future diplomatic relations. The thesis will make the diplomatic relations in Chengwang period as an studying object, make a meticulous arranges and comments to the diplomatic relations in this period, analyze the diplomatic tactics and its effect on the competing for a super-state for Chu.
     The preface has introduced the general situation of the pertinent research, but because there is relatively less direct researches on the relationships between the diplomatic tactics of Chu and the plan of getting the hegemony for Chu. so we pay close attention to study and absorb the pertinent research results when we sum up the general situation of the pertinent research, such as the entirety studies of the diplomatic relations in the period of Spring and Autumn, the direct and indirect studies of Chu’s diplomatic relations in Chengwang period, and the studies of Chu’s competing for a Super-state . These scholares not only provided the precious data, their study methods and study thoughts also provided important effects for us to research the diplomatic relations in the period of Chengwang.
     According to the course of Chu’s competing for Super-state during Chengwang period, this thesis divides the diplomatic relations in the period of Chengwang to four stages: the earlier stage of Chengwang ascended the throne, the period of competing for a super-state between Qi and Chu, the period of competing for a super-state between Song and Chu, and the earlier stage of competing for a super-state between Jin and Chu.
     The first chapter of this essay analyzes the diplomatic exercises and the diplomatic tactics of the earlier stage of Chengwang ascended the throne. When Chengwang ascended the thron, because of the turbulence of political situation, the chaos of economic, the ruling circle’s extravagant and corrupt, and then Chu was being invaded by the south foreign country, so Chu had to break off the course going north to compete for hegemony. Therefore, Chu adopted relatively calm tactics in early stage of Chengwang, worshipped to Zhou imperial court actively, kept friendly relations with other Central Plains countries. Those tactics provided a peaceful outside environment for Chu’s steady and development of economy. At the same time, Chengwang accepted the ZhouTianzi's order of sending forces to suppress the rebellion in south. And then captured the vast land and rich resources, had provided the rear basis for Chu to the expedition to Central Plains once again
     The second chapter of this essay analyzes Chu’s diplomatic exercises and the diplomatic tactics during the period of competing for a super-state between Qi and Chu. Firstly, Chu made use of a series of quick battles opened the diplomatic door to Zheng. And then, depended on Chu's powerful strength and flexible diplomatic language, Chu made a skillful competition for hegemony with Central Plains countries whose head was Qi, made Zhaoling alliance with Qi .In order to compete for a super-state with Qi, Chengwang changed Chu's diplomatic countries to the key countries and weak countries in Jang-Huai, Chu successively formed an alliance with Zheng, roped Chen, threaten Xu, at the same time Chu mergered Xuan, Huang and Ying, attacked Xu. In the process of that, Chengwang discovered the fact that the decline of Qi’s hegemony, that provided fine opportunity for Chu to continue going north compete for hegemony. At this time, There are three characteristics of Chu’s diplomatic tactics, the first is that the diplomatic tactics spread from one point to the whole, the second is that the tactics were full of trial characteristic all the time, the third is that Chu made armed forces as the warrant.
     The third chapter of this essay analyzes Chu’s diplomatic exercises and the diplomatic tactics during the period of competing for a super-state between Song and Chu. Chengwang grasped the opportunity of the decline of Qi’s hegemony to gain over Zheng, Chen, Xu, Cai, all this accumulated outer strength for Chu’s going north once again. Then Chengwang strengthened the relations with all countries of Central Plains by the meeting held in Qi. Participate in the alliances of Lushang, joined the meeting held in Meng and Bo, caught SongGong to attack Song, and after the battle in Hong, Chu amashed completely Song Xiong gong’s plan of competing for hegemony and established the true position of Chu’s hegemon. Meanwhile, Chu made use of all kinds of diplomatic forms to travel among Central Plains countries, such as presented prisoners of wars, stated banquet, united by marriages and wars. Chu gained over the surrenders of Lu, Song, Chen, Cai, Zheng, Xu, Cao and Wei. In additon, surrounded Chen, repaired the city for Dun, killed off Kui and subdued Qi, so the influence of Chu expanding to entire Central Plains area and Chengwang became the Central Plains hegemon in fact. At this time, Chu’s diplomatic relations tended to perfect, mainly embodied in diplomatic partners were broad, diplomatic activities frequent, diplomatic forms were various. But can’t be ignored, that the diplomatic relations between Chu and Central Plains countries still not be stable.
     The forth chapter of this essay analyzes Chu’s diplomatic exercises and the diplomatic tactics during the period of the earlier stage of competing for a super-state between Jin and Chu. Before the War in ChengPu, Chu still stayed in leading position in all countries of Central Plains, had the right of sending forces to suppress the betraying country, organizing meetings and forming alliances. But after the War in ChengPu, those Central Plains countries such as Qi, Lu, Song, Cheng, Cai, Zheng, Wei, Ju,Zhu andQin, all formed an alliance with Jin. The diplomatic relations systems were broken down, which structured by Chengwang. The forty-fourth year of Chengwang, Chu expressed the friendship to Jin, the relation of Chu and Jin had a few of changes. But, the diplomatic tactics at the period of earlier stage of competing for a super-state between Jin and Chu really had a very big fault: Chu only attached attentions to Cao and Wei small countries, ignored roping to Qi and Qin.
     The fifth chapter of this essay analyzes Chu’s diplomatic characteristics and effects in Chengwang state. Firstly, the diplomatic tactics completely served the competing for a super-state for Chu, direct or indirect tactics based on Chu’s diplomatic relations. And the effect made by LingYin of Chu to Chu’s diplomatic relations also can’t be ignored. In order to improve the diplomatic relations, LingYin can assist Chengwang to stimulate war, hold meetings to form alliances, meet an emissary. At the same time, Chu paid attention to absorb and make use of Central Plains’etiquette and culture, and paid attention to seek material benefits, when contacting with each other. The gradually mature diplomatic tactics of Chu ChengWang has great effect. MuWang and ZhuangWang inherited the tacticsof moving forward under east and north at the same time, and roped Qi and Qin, so patched deficiency of ChengWang’s diplomatic tactics. Had paved a road for Chu’s dominates.
① 《大公报》,1942 年 7 月 23 日。
    ② 《荆州师专学报》,1985 年第 1 期。
    ③ 《世界知识》,1989 年第 21 期。
    ④ 《信阳师范学院学报》,1992 年第 2 期。
    ⑤ 《东岳论从》,1993 年第 3 期。
    ⑥ 《历史研究》,1994 年第 4 期。
    ⑦ 《首都师大学报》,1996 年第 6 期。
    ⑧ 《寻根》,1998 年第 5 期。
    ① 《江汉论坛》,2002 年第 3 期。
    ② 参见:殷崇浩《日本对中国楚史的研究》,《中国史研究动态》,1985 年第 3 期。
    ③ 《荆州师专学报》,1991 年第 3 期。
    ④ 《江汉论坛》,1982 年第 1 期。
    ⑤ 《求索》,1983 年第 6 期。
    ① 《荆州师专学报》,1995 年第 4 期。
    ② 《求索》,1985 年第 1 期。
    ③ 《江汉论坛》1997 年第 12 期。
    ④ 《烟台大学学报》,1998 年第 4 期。
    ⑤ 《江汉论坛》,1981 年第 1 期。
    ⑥ 《中原文物》1994 年第 3 期。
    ⑦ 《江汉考古》,1995 年第 3 期。
    ⑧ 《中原文物》,2002 年第 3 期。
    ⑨ 《湘潭大学学报》,1986 年第 3 期。
    ⑩ 《荆州师专学报》,1990 年第 3 期。
    ① 《湖北大学学报》,1998 年第 4 期。
    ② 《安徽大学学报》,1985 年第 2 期。
    ③ 《江汉论坛》,1996 年第 9 期。
    ④ 《荆州师专学报》,1998 年第 1 期。
    ⑤ 《西南民族学院学报》,1992 年第 5 期。
    ① 何浩:《从蔡、郑“惧楚”看楚人北进中原的时间》,《武汉师范学院学报》,1983 年第 2 期。
    ② 李玉洁:《楚史稿》,河南大学出版社,1988 年 8 月第 1 版,第 57 页。 另据顾栋高《春秋大事年表》卷四《楚疆域表》中统计,第一次灭国高潮时期楚国所灭国家有:武王时期灭国:权、那、鄧、榖、鄢、罗、卢戎、郡、郧、贰、轸、绞、州、蓼。成王时期灭国:息、邓、申、吕。第 13 页,第 14 页。
    ④ 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》卷四之《楚疆域论》,第 16 页。
    ⑥《史记·楚世家第十》:“楚疆,陵江汉閒小国,小国皆畏之” 。
    ① 参见:何浩、殷崇浩《春秋时楚国对江南的开发》,《江汉论坛》,1981 年第 1 期。
    ③ 详见:万全文《徐楚青铜器文化比较研究论纲》,《东南文化》,1993 年第 6 期。
    ① 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》卷二十六《春秋齐楚争盟表》第 1 页,引“王氏葆曰”。
    ② 《左传·庄公二十七年》
    ③ 《左传·庄公二十八年》
    ④ 《春秋·庄公二十八年》
    ⑤ 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》卷二十六《春秋齐楚争盟表》第 2 页,引“程子曰”。
    ① 杨伯峻:《春秋左传注》,中华书局出版,1990 年 5 月第 2 版,第 242 页。
    ② 《左传·庄公二十八年》:“郑人将奔桐丘,谍告曰:‘楚幕有乌。’乃止。”
    ③ 参见:《左传》僖公二年、僖公三年。
    ① 《左传·宣公十二年》
    ② 参见:《国语·齐语第六》
    ① 童书业:《春秋左转研究》,上海人民出版社,1980 年 10 月第 1 版,第 52 页。
    ② 《左传·僖公四年》
    ③ 《左传·僖公四年》
    ④ 《左传·僖公四年》
    ⑤ 参见:张正明《楚史》第 40 页注释○1 ,共有六件铜器记载了“昭王南征”的历史事实,《 簋》、《过伯簋》、《鼐簋》、《史墙盘》、《 簋》、《唯叔鼎》。
    ⑥ 韩格平等主编,张玉春译:《竹书纪年译注》,2003 年 1 月第 1 版,第 31 页。
    ① 参见:张正明《楚史》湖北教育出版社,1995 年 7 月第 1 版,第 41 页。
    ② 杨伯峻:《春秋左传注》,中华书局出版,1990 年 5 月第 2 版,第 291 页。
    ③ 参见:张正明《楚史》,湖北教育出版社,1995 年 7 月第 1 版,第 41 页。
    ④ 《左传·僖公四年》
    ⑤ 《左传·成公十三年》
    ⑥ 《左传·僖公四年》
    ⑦ 《管子·小匡第二十》
    ① 《左传·僖公四年》
    ② 《左传·僖公四年》
    ③ 《左传·僖公四年》:“四年春,齐侯以诸侯之师侵蔡。蔡溃,遂伐楚。……夏,楚子使屈完如师。”
    ④ 杨伯峻:《春秋左传注》,中华书局出版,1990 年 5 月第 2 版,第 291 页。
    ⑤ 《左传·僖公四年》
    ① 《左传·僖公四年》
    ③ 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》卷二十六《春秋齐楚争霸表序》第 1 页。
    ④ 转引自:宋公文《楚史新探》第 203 页,注释○3 《汇纂》卷十二引“吴氏徵曰”。
    ⑤ 转引自:宋公文《楚史新探》第 203 页,注释○6 《春秋集义》卷十七。
    ⑥ 《国语·齐语第六》
    ⑦ 参见:刘正民:《楚国的发展进程及其外交策略》,《荆州师专学报》,1991 年第 3 期。“兹后,春秋‘国际’格局,就出现了两极外交,楚国一直是举足轻重的一级。”
    ⑧ 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》卷二十六《春秋齐楚争盟表》第 1 页,引“王氏葆曰”。
    ① 《左传·僖公五年》
    ② 杨伯峻:《春秋左传注》,中华书局出版,1990 年 5 月第 2 版,第 306 页。
    ③ 《春秋·僖公五年》
    ④ 《左传·庄公十三年》
    ⑤ 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》卷二十六《春秋齐楚争盟表》,第 4 页。
    ① 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》卷二十六《春秋齐楚争盟表》,第 5 页。
    ② 《左传·僖公六年》
    ① 《左传·僖公八年》:“冬,郑伯使请盟于齐。”
    ② 《春秋·僖公十年》:“夏,齐侯、许男伐北戎。”
    ③ 孙迺琨撰:《春秋集义》卷五上,第 12 页。
    ④ 此黄为东黄,淮南之黄。西黄,《左传》庄公十九年载,楚文王“败黄师于踖陵”。
    ⑤ 孙迺琨撰:《春秋集义》卷五上,第 6 页,引《汇纂》。
    ⑥ 《左传·僖公五年》
    ⑦ 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》卷二十六《春秋齐楚争盟表》第 8 页,引“胡氏铨曰”。
    ⑧ 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》卷二十六《春秋齐楚争盟表》第 3 页,引“林氏曰”。
    ① 杨伯峻《春秋左传注》:“徐此时与齐为婚姻之国。”中华书局出版,1990 年 5 月第 2 版,第 351 页。
    ② 《十三经注疏》之《春秋谷粱传注疏·僖公十二年》,上海古籍出版社,第 2397 页。
    ③ 参见:《左传·僖公十六年》。
    ① 《左传·僖公十八年》:“郑伯始朝于楚。”杨伯峻先生注:始朝者,前此未嘗朝也。齐桓初死,郑即往朝楚。(《春秋左传注》,中华书局出版,1990 年 5 月第 2 版,第 377 页。)所以,之前郑国投楚,但并未朝见楚国。
    ② 《左传·僖公十八年》
    ③ 蔡国一直是楚的与国,参见本文第 12 页注释○3 。
    ① 参见:《钦定四库全书》第一七五册《左传事讳》卷二,第 46 页、第 47 页,靈璧知县马驌撰。
    ② 《左转·僖公十九年》
    ③ 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》卷二十七《春秋宋楚争盟表》:“陈止欲攘宋之伯而非以求伯”,第 2 页。
    ④ 《春秋·僖公十九年》:“冬,会陈人、蔡人、楚人、郑人盟于齐。”
    ① 《左转·僖公二十一年》
    ② 《左转·僖公二十一年》
    ③ 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》卷二十七《春秋宋楚争盟表》第 2 页、第 3 页。
    ④ 参见:《钦定四库全书》第三六六册《绎史》卷四十七,第 9 页,靈璧知县马驌撰。
    ⑤ 《左传·僖公二十一年》
    ⑥ 《史记·楚世家第十》
    ⑦ 《春秋·僖公二十一年》
    ⑧ 参见:《钦定四库全书》第一四八册《春秋通训》卷四,第 14 页,宋,张大亨撰:“前此 楚未嘗执诸侯也,至是始执宋公以伐宋”。
    ⑨ 转引自:宋公文,《楚史新探》,河南大学出版社,1988 年 9 月第 1 版,第 208 页、第 209 页。
    ① 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》卷二十七《春秋宋楚争盟表》,第 3 页。
    ② 《十三经注释》之《春秋公羊传注疏·僖公二十一年》卷十一,上海古籍出版社,第 2257 页。
    ③ 《十三经注释》之《春秋公羊传注疏·僖公二十一年》卷十一,上海古籍出版社,第 2257 页。
    ④ 《十三经注释》之《春秋公羊传注疏·僖公二十一年》:“宋公与楚子期以乘车之会……宋公曰:‘不可,吾与之约以乘车之会,自我为之,自我堕之。’ ……终以乘车之会往。”第 2256 页。
    ② 《春秋·僖公二十一年》
    ③ 《春秋·庄公三十一年》
    ④ 参见:顾栋高《春秋大事年表》卷二十七《春秋宋楚争盟表》,第 3 页。
    ① 参见:杨伯峻《春秋左传注》,中华书局出版,1990 年 5 月第 2 版,第 400 页。
    ② 《国语·晋语四》
    ③ 《左传·僖公二十三年》
    ④ 《左传·僖公二十三年》
    ⑤ 《左传·僖公二十二年》
    ⑥ 参见:崔明德《先秦政治婚姻简表》,《烟台大学学报》,1998 年第 4 期。
    ① 《左传·僖公二十七年》:“楚始得曹,而新昏于卫。”
    ② 参见:汪涛《先秦政治联姻与外戚擅政的形成》,《重庆师范大学学报》,1992 年第 1 期。
    ③ 《左传·僖公二十年》
    ④ 《左传·僖公二十年》
    ⑤ 《左传·定公四年》记载:吴人入颖,楚昭王出奔至随,吴人入随索要昭王,随人对曰:“以随 之辟小,而密迩於楚,楚实存之。世有盟誓,至于今未改。若难而弃之,何以事君?执事之患 不唯一人,若鸩楚竟,敢不听命?”在随人的保护下,昭王才得以回国复楚。
    ① 参见:《左传·僖公二十六年》
    ② 《史记·楚世家第十》
    ③ 《钦定四库全书》第一六四册《春秋集传》卷六,第 15 页,元,赵汸撰。
    ④ 《左传·僖公二十四年》:“宋及楚平,宋成公如楚。”
    ⑤ 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》卷二十七《春秋宋楚争盟表》,第 4 页。
    ⑥ 参见:童书业《春秋左转研究》,上海人民出版社,1980 年 10 月第 1 版,第 57 页。
    ① 《左传·僖公二十六年》
    ② 童书业:《春秋左转研究》,上海人民出版社,1980 年 10 月第 1 版,第 57 页。
    ③ 《左传·僖公二十八年》
    ④ 《左传·僖公二十八年》
    ① 《左传·僖公二十八年》
    ② 《左传·僖公二十八年》
    ③ 顾栋高:《春秋大事年表》之《春秋晋楚交兵表叙》。
    ④ 杨伯峻:《春秋左传注》,中华书局,1990 年 5 月第 2 版,第 489 页。
    ⑤ 《左传·僖公二十六年》
    ⑥ 《左传·僖公二十八年》
    ⑦ 《左传·僖公二十八年》
    ① 《史记·楚世家第十》
    ① 转引自:宋公文《楚史新探》第 201 页,注释○3 《春秋集义》卷二十一。
    ②《左传·定公四年》记载:至吴入颖,楚几乎亡国之时仍守盟不渝。随人答吴人“以随之僻小 ……楚实存之,世有盟誓,至于今未改。”
    ④ 参见:欧谭生,《近年来信阳地区出土文物概况》,《信阳师范学院学报》,1982 年第 1 期。
    ⑤ 参见:《史记·楚世家第十》和文章第一章的相关论述。
    ① 参见:《河南郏县发现的古代铜器》,《文物参考资料》,1954 年第 3 期。江国位于今正阳县东南,淮水北岸,南与黄、樊等国相邻,处于淮夷集团与中原诸侯交往的前沿。1953 年春出土于河南郏县太仆乡东周铜器群约 190 余件,其中传世铜器有江小仲鼎、邛(江)君妇 壶、孙叔师父壶及楚王锺等这些铜器均属于春秋中期前段的铜器。表明了江国与中原国家友好关系及江、楚之间的密切关系,也说明了江国盛产铜矿资源。 参见:李玉洁:《楚史稿》,河南大学出版社,1998 年 8 月第 1 版,第 66 页、第 67 页。河南光山宝相寺出土黄君孟夫妇墓属于春秋早期墓葬,其中出土了大量如鼎、豆、壶、盘、罐、盂、匜等青铜礼器,而且铜罍上面的蟠虺纹在我国还是第一次看到,青铜器种类的繁多和工艺的精湛显示了黄国青铜铸造业的发达。
    ② 参见:万全文《徐楚青铜器文化比较研究论纲》,《东南文化》,1993 年第 6 期。
    ③ 张正明:《楚史》,湖北教育出版社,1995 年 1 月第 1 版,第 119 页。
    ① 刘纪兴:《论楚庄王的军事战略思想》,《河南大学学报》,2004 年 1 月第 1 期。
    ② 参见:张正明《楚史》,湖北教育出版社,1995 年 7 月第 1 版,第 134 页。
    ③ 《左传·宣公十四年》
    ④ 《史记·滑稽列传》
    ⑤ 参见:《左传·成公二年》。
    ⑥ 《左传·文公十六年》
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