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What kind of thinking, psychological and approach are the Chinese leaders using to lead? This is the starting point of this study. When reviewing the history of management, the essence what we faced is Western management. Therefore, when Chinese scholars apply these theories to practice, there are many unacclimatized examples to mention, such as "edge ways","speak the different language". Therefore, the construction of Chinese domestic management theory is gradually becoming the management academia's consensus. As the leadership is embedded in cultural context, its effectiveness must be consistent with the local traditional culture. This determined that a style of leadership may be effective in one culture and not in another. In this case, starting from traditional culture and management practice to understand the philosophy, psychology and the course of Chinese leaders should become an important part of the localization of Management. Based on this, the paper started from Chaxugeju of Chinese society, has led to the impacts on Chinese human psychology and behavior, and points out the necessity of studying the phenomenon of Chaxu leadership.
     At present some scholars have begun to study the Chaxu leadership, which is universal existent in Chinese organizations, and verified the effectiveness of Chaxu leadership. However, due to the current direct study of Chaxu leadership mainly gathered in Taiwan, China, and the research is still at the preliminary stage of development. Whether the theoretical construction of Chaxu leadership itself or its internal influence mechanism and so on also have many unanswered mystery. Based on this, this paper collected a sample of624supervisor-subordinate dyads from87departments in mainland and Taiwan, trying to give answer to the psychological mechanism of Chaxu leadership from a theoretical construction and empirical test in Chinese situation.
     Overall, the paper is mainly divided into nine chapters and the core content is grouped fall into six parts:
     First, we combed Chaxu leadership culture, sociology and psychology foundation, reviewed the development course of Chinese native leadership theory, and commented on the research progress of Chaxu leadership and employee categorization model.Firstly, familism is the culture roots of Chaxu leadership continue to play a role. Family interests first, irrespective of inside and outside and as well as generic, family history, are all the main elements in influence process of Chaxu leadership.Secondly, Chaxugeju is the sociology basis of Chaxu leadership and the existing theories on Chaxugeju concept is controversial. Based on previous research, this paper redefined and integrated the theory connotation of Chaxugeju, and pointed out Chaxugeju not only in horizontal, but also sequence in vertical; Not only refers to interpersonal relationships, but also on behalf of social structure; Not just microscopic construction, but also macro Construction between home and countries. This interpretation lay the foundation of Chaxu leadership, which has relationship differences as well as the connotations of authoritarian treatment. Thirdly, Chinese self concept is the psychological basis of the effective operation of Chaxu leadership. Owing to Chinese self nature of the relationship, they will classify according to the relationship in interpersonal communication. The distinction between "Zijiren/Wairen" thus become a psychological pattern and code of conduct. Then we pointed out that the rational boundary of Chaxu leadership "began with differences and ended with great unity". That "difference" is the origin and "great unity" is the ultimate goal, which is a micro implementation path of Confucian constructed the "The Great Unity Society".
     Second, it mainly answered the problems of indigenous compatibility of Chaxu leadership in culture perspective, and answered more indigenous compatibility problem by contrasting with the Western leadership theory.This paper firstly analyzed the cultural presupposition of Chaxu leadership.The effectiveness of Chaxu leadership relay on ethical norm, allocation of resources, rewards and punishment mechanism, and social mobility four basic mechanisms to maintain. It explored that the whole society's maintainance "Qinqin" and "Zunzun" culture foundation of the Chaxugeju still exists. Then, this paper analyzed subordinates'psychological process from the concept of justice and "tolerance"mentality of Chinese people, in order to understanding the effective operation of cultural logic of the Chaxu leadership. This paper argued that Chinese people have a fair cognition, which different with Westerner's. The core of Chinese concept of justice is to meeting others'role expectation, and stressing "reasonable".The Chaxu leadership is a kind leadership style that according to Chinese people justice cognitive. In addition, facing the leader's discrimination, why Wairen not to revolt, but tend to accept, and so willing to change into Zijiren? The Chinese peoples'mental of "Ren and Shi" play an important role. When the Chinese people were in a disadvantage, they are good at self-adaptation through patience and waiting. After then, this article discussed the integration and contrast analysis between Chaxu leadership, Paternalistic leadership which also profound traditional Chinese culture, and the theory of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and the life cycle theory of leadership in Western society. The study demonstrates the Chaxu leadership to sustain the role which lies in leadership in a manner consistent awareness of the cultural values of the Chinese people, and more with the local community fit.
     Third, the researches of Chaxu leadership which is a unique style of leadership, are explaining the phenomena more, but constructing the theory less. The paper based on the previous researches about Chaxu leadership clarified the connotation and theoretical framework, in order to define the effective boundary of the Chaxu leadership study. We first re-interpreted the connotation of Chaxu leadership, the concept includes not only relations and differences of "Qinqin" in horizontal, but also contains parental authority of "Zunzun" in vertical. On that basis, this paper constructed a framework based on"supervisor-subordinate-colleague". From the interpersonal relation in the organization, the leader will divide subordinates into Zijiren and Wairen in accordance with the relevant classification standard and give different treatments as a leader; on the other side of subordinates, they can perceived leaders'classification, and also classified leader; From colleagues, they can be perceived to the other position in the minds of the leaders, and will also be classified on the other side. In terms of the whole structure of organization, the leader in the central place, Zijiren occupies the core position in the organization, while Wairen lives in the edge or peripheral location. From this three angles'analysis of Chaxugeju sketched the framework of Chaxu leadership theory system.
     Fourth, the paper mainly discussed on the subordinates'effectiveness affected by Chaxu leadership from the perspective of trust. The study indicated that Chaxu leadership can improve the performance of subordinates'work by discriminating, and it also do good behaviors of promoting subordinates assists colleagues and supervisors, as well as improve subordinates'psychological identity to the supervisor. Then, we found that mutual trust between the upper and lower levels and supervisory trust plays a part of the intermediary role on Chaxu leadership job performance and supervisor recognition, and presented fully mediation mechanism of benefiting others behavior. The intermediary role of mutual trust to Chaxu leadership and performance indications (including job performance and benefit the behavior of others) is stronger than supervisory trust, while the intermediary role of supervisory trust to Chaxu leadership and attitude or psychological indicators is stronger than mutual trust.This means that for subordinates to get their superiors'trust could improve work performance, assist superior and colleagues completing the work. The trust of superiors'trust is a source of subordinates finishing their own work and extra-role work. And subordinate agree with leader mainly based on subordinates' trust in supervisor, the supervisor trust in subordinate is in the secondary position. We also found that the regulation mechanism of trust to the Chaxu leadership and benefit behavior of others. When subordinates trust the superior more, or when the degree of mutual trust between superior and subordinate is higher, the Chaxu leadership is more stronger and easier to help colleagues do a good job and help supervisor deal with other things.
     Fifth, whether can inspire staff's innovative behavior has become an important symbol of leadership effectiveness, therefore it will be very meaningful investigating the impact of the Chaxu leadership on employee innovation. This article puts Chaxu leadership at team level, and explores the effect of team innovation climate on Chaxu leadership and employee innovative behavior. We found that the Chaxu leaders had a different logic for the innovative behavior of subordinates of Zijiren and Wair en. The subordinates of Zijiren's innovative behavior are based on the dual effects of the psychological motivation of "Bad" and the competition pressure from the subordinates of Wairen, While Wairen's innovative behavior are based on the dual effects of the motivate to obtain the favoritism treatment of leader and realistic situation's psychological stress from dissatisfaction and insecurity. At the same time we found that when the team innovation climate is high, the greater the Chaxu leadership is, the more the staffs innovative behavior can be promoted. Conversely, when the team innovation climate is low, the positive role of Chaxu leadership will be offset, namely the bigger Chaxu leadership is, the more employee innovative behavior may be inhibited. Hence, if Chaxu leaders want to better inspire the employee innovation, they should be actively by various means to shape the excellent team innovation climate.
     Sixth, leaders in China may have both paternalistic leadership and Chaxu leadership which are two unique leadership style. The discrimination caused by Chaxu leadership is essentially a kind concept of the team of Zijiren relative to Wairen team, and considered the Chaxu leadership at the group level. So this study is to develop an integrative model linking the impact of paternalistic leadership (at the individual level) and Chaxu leadership (at the group level) on employee turnover intention, and further explore the moderating effect of the "Zijiren/Wairen". The Chaxu leadership at the group level and paternalistic leadership at the individual level both have significant explanatory power on employee turnover. When put in the regulation of "Zijiren/Wairen",we found that compared to the Wairen, the higher turnover intention when supervisor shows the more authoritarian leadership, which means that the supervisor to subordinate the same authoritarian leadership, Zijiren responding more dissatisfied rather than Wairen; If the within-team mean of Zijiren higher, the bigger of the Chaxu leadership function, can reduce the employee turnover rate; while if the within-team variance of Zijiren greater, the bigger of the Chaxu leadership function may promote the separations. It shows the double-edged sword influence of "Zijiren/Wairen", if the leaders'classification criteria do not conform to the subordinate cognition or role expectation, such as classify Zijiren depend too much on ascribed the relationship, so the phenomenon of "Zijiren/Wairen" differentiation may be too serious, For instance formed a few circles or a few lines around with different people, then if the leader is too maintenance the interests of his cronies, while ignoring the interests of other factions, may cause severe sectarian conflict and it is harmful to the whole team works.
     Theoretical contribution of this paper and the possible innovation point is mainly lies in:first, this paper, from a cultural perspective, pointed out the relationship between the Chaxu Leadership and the justice concept of Chinese. We argue the Chinese conception of justice is essentially a norm for regulating the human relationships, rather than the rule of reason purely guiding the profit distribution. So facing discriminatory, subordinates who feel fair or unfair depends on their awareness of leaders'behavior. We believe that as long as leaders in the process of classified employees and differential treatment following procedural justice and interaction justice, and following interaction justice and distributive justice. And then favoritism treat subordinate of Zijiren in line with Chinese justice cognitive.
     Second, the paper constructed a Chaxu leader framework based on "supervisor-subordinate-colleague", and it respectively from the angle of leaders, subordinates and colleagues as well as the superior-subordinate and colleague relationship interpreted the influence of Chaxu leadership. It completely describes the influence of Chaxu leadership to the whole organization, and broadens effective boundary of the theory of Chaxu leadership research.
     Third, the article was combined Chaxu leadership and paternalistic leadership to study for the first time, and we pointed out paternalistic leadership is Chaxu in theory. No matter what authoritarian, moral conduct or benevolence leadership styles are all present the characteristics of discrimination. Chaxu leadership on employee turnover under control paternalistic leadership tendencies additional explanatory power, empirical test shows that the majority of people "En" and individual of Wei", both En and Wei make the way of effective leadership.
     Fourth, this paper found that the double-edged sword influence of "Zijiren/Wairen", and a good incentive to Wairen when most people in the team have maintained a close relationship with leaders, the leader treat Zijiren more favoritism, the efficiency of team members may be higher.This is the phenomenon of "Zijiren I Wairen" on the positive side. On the other side, the phenomenon of "Zijiren/Wairen" differentiation is too serious,such as the formation of a few people around in different circles or factions, and then if the leader treat more favoritism on their cronies, the more easier cause the other factions' bounce may result the team conflict increase. This is the negative side of the phenomenon of "Zijiren/Wairen".
     In this paper, the study gave certain revelation to clarify Chaxu leadership in the effective operation of the internal mechanism of the individual level and the group level, but due to Chaxu leadership research is still in the preliminary stage of development, the problems about discussing Chaxu leadership theory connotation, improving Chaxu leadership scale, which include the measurement of "Zijiren/Wairen" and many other problems are yet to be further study. Although this study maximize control over the problem of common method variance, but due to the orientation of the cross-sectional study taken in this paper, so we should be careful to generalize the conclusion of this article. The discussion section discussed the limitations and future research directions.
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