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The Middle-ancient China was of very dense class trait, the politicians reflected the appearance of the class society apparently. The aristocratic families were the coordination unit of the middle-ancient Chinese society, they were strong power and exterted great influence on the society. Liu Fang who was a famous genealogist classified the aristocratic families from Wei-Jin to Tang Dynasty into five types, according to the zone. They were twenty-six families and distributed in Shan Dong, Guan Zhong, Jiang Dong, Southeast, DaiBei. Liu Fang lived in Tang Dyansty and he was a famous genealogist, he could get a well understanding of that society, so his view deserved to be accepted. From this we can know the political status and social influence of the aristocratic families in DaiBei. The aristocratic families was descended from BeiWei, the others descended from Wei-Jin, whose history is longer. A lot of studies about these families have been conducted and produced many striking results, but lay littl
    e emphasis on the families in Dai Bei. Among the representative families mentioned ' by Liu Fang, Zhangsun clan is the second one, just after the Yuan clan, the imperial family of BeiWei. The ruler of that age that Liu Fang lived in is Tang xuanzong, it was about sixty years since the decline of Zhangsun clan. Some reasons must exist. So the author of this paper focus his attention on the Zhangsun clan.
    This paper consisted of five chapters. The first two chapters fore shadow the authors' argument in order that the reader may have a clear understanding of the research situation, the blood relationship, the origin of the family name, the early history, the move and distribution of the clan.
    The second two chapters is one main branch of this paper. With the aid of plenty of epigraps and concerned historical records, the author makes some forms and then makes some conclusions about the political status, social influence, economy, marriage, etc. of the clan of different dynasty in the three hundred years. In the age of Dai and BeiWei, especially early time, because of the blood relationship which belongs to imperial family, Zhangsun clan had a higher status. With the development of the feudal system, the difference became more and more apparent. Some clan became higher ,but the other became lower.
    Zhangsun clan was not the exception, From BeiWei to Sui Dynasty, the status of
    this clan became more lower than before with the lost of regime, but it still is a aristocratic family. In Tang dynasty, especially the early time. This clan reached a new peak. Since BeiWei dynasty, Zhangsun clan generally had been influenced by the culture of the Chinese nation, In Tang, this clan had been a number of Chinese nation, and last the characteristic of national minority. It was just the sign of its decline. After the peak, the clan suffered the serious attack and decline, that had never been faced. In the society that all the aristocratic families were going down, the clan was doomed.
    The last chapter is also a main branch of the paper. In this part, the author tries to clarify the descendant of Zhangsun clan with the aid of plenty of epigraps of Tang dynasty and concerned historical records. It shows that among the three branches of the clan, the branch of Zhangsun, Daosheng was the only one that extended into Tang dynasty and reached the peak. In Tang dynasty, the number of the clan is still large, but they are almost common. The clan pinned it's hopes on Zhangsun wuji and his sister, compared the historical books with the epigraps, some wrong of the XinTangshu that mianly gather the early history was corrected. It shows that the record of the clan in Tang is accurate, and deserves believing.
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