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We are currently in a dramatic and dynamic changes times, either the market demandor technology development is full of dynamic,since the1990s.On the one hand, theenvironment changes rapidly, on the other hand, the operations of the enterprise will createa lot of market opportunities.The study of dynamic environment can be done in twoways:first, the dynamic demand of market,second,the development of technology.Identification of environmental dynamics has become the key factor of enterprises'technological innovation.
     The promotion of strategic flexibility and innovation capability are accompanied withthe changes of environment.If companies lack strategic flexibility means that companieslack the technological innovation capability.Therefore, we should pay more attention tobusiness executives on strategic flexibility in future research.Strategic flexibility is asource of sustainable competitive advantage springs of enterprise. So we have to analyzethe causes of uncertainty of the external environment for enterprises.Determine the contentand extent of the uncertainty of enterprises in order to determine which aspects should beenhanced, so as a direction to innovation.
     Technological innovation capability is the basis of development of enterprises.Thedynamic nature of the environment has some impact on the technological innovationcapability of enterprises.Organizational learning and strategic flexibility will be affected bydynamic environment respectively.Thus affecting the ability of technological innovation ofenterprises.In this paper,we regarded the dynamic nature of the environment,organizational learning capability, strategic flexibility and technical innovation capabilityas the basic elements of this study.Explore the role of the relationship among theseelements.
     When the environmental dynamic changes brought us the crisis,at the same time,it willbring development opportunities to Chinese enterprises.The dynamic nature of the environment can be divided into market update rate and technological update rate andanalysis of the relationship between them.
     The enterprise organizational learning ability is the key factor to enterprises to continuecompetitive advantage in the dynamic market.In this paper, organizational learning can bedivided into the acquisition of knowledge, the dissemination of information andinterpretation of the information and analysis of the relationship among them.
     Strategic flexibility refers to enterprises identify the changes in the dynamicenvironment and the ability of putting the resources quickly into new environments.Thisarticle from two dimensions that are the resource flexibility and coordination flexible,studyits direct and indirect effects on enterprise technological innovation.Resource flexibility,including the scope of the application of resources;the cost and difficulty of resources fromone party to the other party;resources acquired time from one party to the otherparty.Coordination flexibility including the search for used or new combinations ofexisting resources;looking for use of or the combination of external resources.Through theorganization of system resource allocation and use it to the target product.Make aneffective solution to the problem and profitable in a changing environment.
     Enterprise technology innovation is a new product function.These activities may beproduction or product innovation,management innovation,organizational innovation,process innovation,service innovation,marketing innovation,market innovation and soon.Evaluating enterprise technological innovation is a comprehensive evaluation of allaspects of business and technological innovation associated activities.Requires the use ofrelevant statistical data and empirical data to study technological innovation.And analysisthe enterprise technological innovation capability,the efficiency of technologicalinnovation and various risks encountered in the process of innovation.It is a tedious andcomplex process.In this paper, we use a single dimension to measure.
     Technological innovation capability is the basis of survival and development ofenterprises.The dynamic nature of the environment has some impact on the technologicalinnovation capability of enterprises.Organizational learning and strategic flexibility wouldrespectively affect by the environmental dynamism.It would have an impact oftechnological innovation ability.Thus,in this paper,we regarded the dynamic nature of theenvironment, organizational learning capability, strategic flexibility and technicalinnovation capability as the basic elements of the study.Explore the role of the relationshipbetween these elements.Including the following five aspects:the relationship and impactmechanism between the dynamic nature of the environment and organizationallearning;the relationship and impact mechanism between the dynamic environment with strategic flexibility;relationship and influence mechanism of the process of organizationallearning and strategic flexibility;the relationship and impact mechanism between theprocess of organizational learning and innovation ability;the relationship and impactmechanism between the strategic flexibility and the ability to innovate.
     We use the software SPSS13.0and LISREL8.70of the data analysis to test and discussthe results.Make an empirical study of under the dynamic environment, the impact oforganizational learning and strategic flexibility on the enterprises' technologicalinnovation.
     The basic conclusion of the study:the process of the enterprise technology innovation,there is a negative correlation between the market update rate and knowledge acquisition,information distribution, information interpretation;there is a positive correlation betweenthe technological update rate and knowledge acquisition, information distribution andinformation interpretation;there is a positive correlation between market update rate andresource flexibility and coordination flexibility;there is a positive correlation betweentechnological update rate and resource flexibility and coordination flexibility;there is apositive correlation between knowledge acquisition and resource flexibility andcoordination flexibility;there is a significant positive correlation between informationdistribution and resource flexibility and coordination flexibility;there is a positivecorrelation betweenthe interpretation of the information and resource flexibility andcoordination flexibility;there is a significant positive correlation between knowledgeacquisition,information distribution and innovation capability;there is a negativecorrelation exists between the interpretation of the information and technologicalinnovation capability;there is a negative correlation between resource flexibility andtechnological innovation capability;there is a significant positive correlation between thecoordination flexibility and technical innovation capability.
     There are several innovation points in this paper:
     (1)Integrate the dynamic nature of the environment, organizational learning capability,strategic flexibility and technological innovation these four key elements incorporated intoa unified framework. It would help us to explore the interaction between these elementsand the internal mechanism.On the basis of previous studies,we make a more detailed,scientifically reveal the factors that affect the enterprises' technological innovation,enrichenterprise technology innovation theory.
     (2)Proposed and verify the role of relationships between organizational learning andstrategic flexibility.This article analyzes the meaning and dimensions of organizationallearning first.Organizational learning can be divided into knowledge acquisition, information distribution, information interpretation.Then analyzes the meaning anddimensions of strategic flexibility.Strategic flexibility can be divided into two dimensionsthat are resource flexibility and coordination flexibility.Finally,analysis the relationshipbetween three dimensions of organizational learning and two dimensions of the strategicflexibility and the internal mechanism.Reveal on the mechanism of organizational learningand strategic flexibility. Therefore, the study has a certain significance on the impact oforganizational learning and the strategic flexiblility under dynamic environment.
     (3)When analyzing the affects of organizational learning capability on the formationmechanism of technological innovation,we from three respect that are knowledgeacquisition, information distribution and information description.We also discussed underthe dynamic environment,the organizational learning how to enhance the enterprisetechnology innovation capability. Lay a good foundation to improve and enrichorganizational learning theory research for the future.
     (4)Proposed and demonstrated the role of relationship between strategic flexibility andenterprise technological innovation.This article first analyzes the meaning and dimensionof strategic flexiblility.Strategic flexibility can be divided into two dimensions, flexibilityof resource and flexibility of coordination.Then we analysed of the logical internalmechanism relationship between two dimensions of the strategy of flexible and enterprisetechnology innovation.Reveals the mechanism of strategic flexibility and the enterprisetechnological innovation.Therefore, this paper has a certain significance between thestrategic flexibility and the enterprises' technological innovation under the dynamicenvironment.
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