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     本系统的前端应用软件采用Visual C++ 6.0开发;软预测器由MATLAB实现;数据由Microsoft SQL Server 2000或Access管理。即:
     1、采用MFC ODBC(开放式数据库互联)技术访问数据库,实现应用程序与污水处理数据库的信息集成;
     2、采用MATLAB提供的引擎(Engine)技术,结合C++编程技巧,实现了Visual C++和MATLAB的信息集成,即由此将软预测器“捆绑”到应用系统。
     总之,本文的研究不仅验证了软测量技术应用于城市污水处理过程出水水质参数预测的可行性,还提供了采用MATLAB、Visual C++、SQL Server(或Access)混合编程的具有创新意义和一定推广价值的具体开发方案。这种开发方案缩短了应用程序的开发周期和开发成本,并在一定程度上提高了可靠性。
The thesis developed on an existing problem for forecasting the effluent quality parameters of urban sewage treatment factories, which are usually difficult to measure with conventional online apparatus, through applying soft-sensing technique. The goal of this research is to develop a suit of software system for realizing the forecast of effluent quality based on soft-sensing technique.
    Research methods applied in the thesis are as follows.
    The first method is to construct the soft-sensing models of effluent quality parameters with history data of a sewage treatment factory for years. Another method is to plant the models into the application system to develop the computer forecasting system for effluent quality parameters of sewage treatment factories.
    Two main research results of the thesis are as follows. (1) The obtainment of soft-sensing models for effluent quality parameters forecasting.
    Firstly, a sewage database is designed with history data of a sewage treatment factory for years. Secondly, many forecasting algorithms for Multiple Linear Regression and BP neural network are designed by using samples exported from the sewage database, At last, a kind of soft-sensing model of sample interpolation and multi-step memory for forecasting effluent quality parameters is presented. The model improved the forecasting of effluent quality parameters mostly.
    (2) The accomplishment of the software system for effluent quality parameters forecasting based on soft-sensing technique.
    The application of this system developed with Visual C++ while soft-sensing models designed with MATLAB and the sewage database designed with Access or SQL Server 2000. The thesis integrated the above three into one application system by applying MFC ODBC and MATLAB Engine techniques.
    In general, there are two innovations in the thesis. One is the hybrid programming technique for Visual C++ and MATLAB with MATLAB Engine, which is an inexpensive and time saving way and can be introduced into other systems. The other is the presentment of the soft-sensing model of sample interpolation and multi-step memory, which can also be introduced into other situations similar to sewage treatment.
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