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本文对短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)、大针茅(S. grandis)、克氏针茅(S. krylovii)和贝加尔针茅(S. baicalensis)四种针茅种子的萌发特性及其幼苗生长过程进行了研究。旨在了解针茅草原的休养生息的规律、发展动态与草原更新,从而为更好地利用、保护针茅草原提供科学、合理、可靠的理论依据。通过试验得到以下结论:
     TTC快速测定四种针茅种子活力的最佳技术条件:短花针茅30℃浸种6h,0.3% TTC溶液40℃条件下染色3h;大针茅30℃浸种3h,0.1% TTC溶液40℃条件下染色6h;克氏针茅30℃浸种6h,0.3% TTC溶液35℃条件下染色18h;贝加尔针茅35℃浸种12h,0.3% TTC溶液30℃条件下染色18h。
Study on the germination of Stipa breviflora, S. grandis,S. krylovii, S. baicalensis and seddling growth,in order to understand Stipa grassland regrowth rule, develping trending and regerminating, and we can more use, protect it. The results showed that:
     S. Breviflora:15~25℃,20~30℃,paper bed, pelling off the hull;S. grandis15℃,25℃, paper bed, pelling off the hull; S. krylovii 15~25℃,20~30℃, soil bed, pelling off the hull;S. baicalensis30℃,15~25℃, soil bed, pelling off the hull.
     Albumen and pelling off the hull can accelerate seed germnation.
     The treatment of alternating temperature was benefit for four seeds. Among of the methods of judging the seed vigor: TTC dying method could easily reflect seed potential vigor; Low temperature Test Accelerated Aging Test, Conductivity , Topographing Tetrazolium Test and Between of Sand could forecast the seed emergence in the field, so they were good measures to examining seed vigor.
     The optimum TTC dying method condition of four Stipa seeds (seed soaking temperature and time, TTC percentage, dying temperature and time) each other was : 30℃and 6h, 0.3%, 40℃and 3h; 30℃and 3h, 0.1%, 40℃and 6h; 30℃and 6h, 0.3%, 35℃and 18h; 30℃and 12h, 0.3%, 30℃and 18h;
     The store time of four seeds were about 1a, safe store period was about 1~3 month, S. breviflora was 3 month.
     The primary vegetation could effect seed germination and seedling growth.
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