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Since Chain's reform and opening-up, Chinese township enterprises are like dark horses, develop rapidly, and became subject strength of rural economy and important component of national economy. After middle period of 1990s, the development of township enterprises began to get into a difficult position, which caused warm academia discussions. However, the majority discussions concentrate on probing into different levels, such as property right reform, industrial structure, managerial skill, etc., there is little research on the township enterprise governance structure and proprietor's incentive mechanism on the micro level. To amend this defect, this dissertation puts focal point research and analysis on proprietor incentive mechanism and methods in township enterprises.Researches on incentive theory, have already formed the incentive theoretical system including the management incentive theory and economics incentive theory, which has important directive significance in further investigating on the incentive prolem of the proprietor in township enterprises. But all of the theories have limitation of their each, especially on incentive theory of township enterprise proprietor, there are still a lot of problems remain to study, such as the function mechanism and operation route of proprietor 's incentive mechanism in township enterprise, Township enterprise proprietor achievement appraise and remuneration incentive mechanism design, etc.. This research is to take these practical problems as the direction, launches progressively.This dissertation regards economics and management basic principle as guidanc, principle-agency theory, property right theory, system economics, management incentive theory as main theoretical foundation, uses research approach such as model analysis, comparative analysis, network analysis, system analysis, etc., studies human nature assumption and behavior of township enterprise proprietor, proves enterprise should implement material incentives and immaterial incentives for proprietor, structures analysis frame for choosing, appraising, encouraging, restraining proprietor; analyses and studies the system changes course of incentive mechanism for proprietor in Chinese township enterprise on the background of its system reform; discusses ways of reconstructing incentive mechanism of township enterprise, proposes that the township enterprise should set up modern enterprise system, puts forward ways and methods for proprietor's yearly salary system, stock right, spirit incentive, appraising , choosing and constrain mechanism, etc..The characteristic of this dissertation lies in a brand-new angle to analyze the proprietor incentive problem in township enterprise under its second reform backgrounds. The innovation of this dissertation mainly includes: Have put forward analysis frame and influence factor model for township enterprise incentive mechanism; Have proposed a suitable proprietor incentive way in township enterprise, which includes an association achievement appraise of economic value-added (EVA) and balanced score card, proprietor yearly salary system, stock option proprietor incentive mechanism, relative case research is attached; Form a more perfect incentive system for proprietor of township enterprise by proposing solution idea to problems in spirit incentive, choosing and constrainting mechanism for proprietor of township enterprise.
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