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In modern society, the role of higher education in social and economic development, especially in economic growth, has become more and more important and it is gradually incorporated into a nation's developmental strategy. Correspondingly, the development of higher education is also affected by the concepts and decisions in a nation's development strategy.
     In the early1950s, China and Vietnam both reformed their higher education systems according to the blueprint of Soviet Union's system, in order to adapt their systems to the planned economy system. In subsequent decades until the opening up policy of China in1980s and the similar policy of Vietnam in1990s, the two countries' higher education systems shared a striking resemblance:their colleges and universities are subject to the centralized management of the goverrnment; the development of higher education has been strictly planned; their college teaching systems are similar in terms of their organization and planning. These legacies from the planned economic system have become hurdles for the development of higher education in two countries in the era of market economy. Therefore, it is natural for the two countries to seek new breakthroughs and developments in their higher education systems.
     After1980s, the two countries have carried out the reform and opening up policy one after another, which drew an end of the planned economy and headed for the market economy. Therefore, the main challenges faced by Chinese and Vietnamese colleges and universities are how to gradually reform their obsolete planned systems, in order to establish a new agile (? dynamic?) system in the era of market economy.
     We compared the background, course, motives, strategies, confusions (why confusion?) and problems during the higher education reforms in China and Vietnam. Thus, we are able to present a panorama of the higher education reforms in China and Vietnam and draw a conclusion from their gains and losses. We hope to learn from some precious experiences in our conclusion for the future reform. We think that the higher education reform in Vietnam should focus on the following aspects:using more innovative ideas and adapting to the developmental trend; strengthening management and keeping up with the time; expanding the source of investment and utilizing the funding more efficiently; enhance the construction of curriculum and focusing on professional training; improving the quality of faculty and realizing the goal of education; building more tertiary education institutes and boosting the viewpoint of quality education.
     Through comparison, we discovered that the higher education system in China was fundamentally different from the system in Vietnam, although both of them were based on the Soviet Union's paradigm. Both China and Vietnam fought a hard battle to win their national liberation and independence, but the degree of their autonomies was different in the development of their higher education system. First, during the development process, China chose the Soviet Union's paradigm for its higher education system and even social development through careful deliberation and consideration. The choice of China took into account the status and features of Chinese society. However, due to a variety of reasons, Vietnam didn't have to chance to autonomously choose its way of higher education system development. It just got the assistance from Soviet Union to adapt and adjust its higher education system. The reform was very passive and under the Soviet Union's careful planning.
     Secondly, in the process of nation construction, China and Soviet Union didn't keep their rapprochement for always. The movement of learning from Soviet Union was interrupted in China due to the cold political relationship between two countries. Then China started to learn from the advanced western countries and blazed its new path of exploration. Compared to China, Vietnam learnt from Soviet Union much longer. It was subject to more profound and deeper influence of Soviet Union's paradigm than China until it carried out its own opening up policy.
     Third, due to China's early start of learning from the developed western countries, its higher education system had more time, space and possibilities to absorb the effective experiences of these countries and was able to practice while learning. Nevertheless, Vietnam had a much wider rift to cross due to the profound and deep influence of Soviet Union. In order to reform its higher education system, the Vietnam government and schools have to devote more time and resources to solving the problems from the reform.
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