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Giant project has a large scale, high investment, long construction period, technologicalcomplexity, uncertainties, and other characteristics. The main objective of the construction isto ensure the completion of the project on schedule, control investment and ensureconstruction quality to the rapid formation of productive capacity, thereby enhancing theeconomic benefits of the project. Tower cranes are widely used for construction in China.Group of tower crane construction is very common in the giant project. Its work furtherincrease the safety risk on sites that are inherently hazardous workplace. In China, there is alack of a comprehensive summary and in-depth analysis on the tower crane risk managementare both in theory and practical work. More efforts should be input to identify and managerisk factors related to tower cranes. An in-depth study on the risks plays a key role inminimizing and avoiding crane accidents, reducing construction fatalities, and speeding up theprogress of works.
     The study in this thesis is part of the work in "the Quality and Safety Management ofWest Terminal Project in Hongqiao Integrated Transport Hub" research topic, basing on along-term investigation and comprehensive questioning of experts in leading construction andsupervision companies in the construction site. This thesis presents the results of a study whichidentifies the major factors affecting safety in tower crane environment through a review ofrelative risk management literature, incident causation theories and a thorough analysis of realworld construction cases. With the application of the loss causation model of incidentcausation theories, the thesis starts from the risk identification through a statistical analysis ofthe cases of a number of projects. A list of risk factors have been identified and classified withan analysis of their features and consequence. Those factors identified as highly affectingsafety are necessary in the ongoing risk evaluation and control process. The probability ofeach risk factor is calculated. Then the appropriate risk control measures are put forward todeal with the risks according to different risk categories.
     This thesis has important implication in risk identification, analysis, controlling andmaking risk management decision. The case study on giant project is not only a summary oftower crane group risk management experience, but also provide support for the follow-up ofgiant projects.
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