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    描取样法(instantaneous and scan sampling)进行连续时间采样(time
    sampling),结合全事件记录法(all occurrence sampling),记录其行为类型。
    统计所得数据利用SPSS10.0 for Windows及Statistica软件包进行统计分
The behaviors of Oriental white storks Ciconia ctconia bOyciana and
    black Storks Ciconia nlera were observed by instamaneous and scan samPling
    and a1l occurrence sampling method, and the variety of behavior of Storks
    were registered. Data were Statistical inference by the software of SPSS10.0
    fOr Wndows and Statistica.
    The most detailed and a11-round behavior ethogram of Orienial white
    stork and B1ack stork by now was recorded, and made a prepare for further
    ethologic reseaxch in other day The behavior of breeding procedUre was
    expatiated at laxge. And the development of behavior and body of squabs of
    Orienta white stork and Black Stork were recorded and the eqUaional models
    were regressive analysed.
    The resu1ts are as fol1ows: With the effect of endogenCtic rhythm and
    environment and artificial factors, the behavor of Oriental White stork and
    black stork in caPtivity has a dai1y and annual periodicity The behavior
    thythms of storks were affected by feeding way remarkably. It was fixed time
    of feeding, Which made the feeding behavior rhythm of storks in caPtivity
    different from that of wt1d storks, that wtl1 triher effect the others behavior
    rhy'thm, in addition to the effect of tdrie of feeding, endogenetic thythm and
    environment factors also contribute to the behavior the in caPtivity
    specifical1y Breeding behavior had some distinct dripact on annua1 rhythm of
    behaviof, and weather factors, or rather air temPeratW also had an obvious1y
    Because of Iimit of aviny and the litt1e population of beVy the activities
    of se1fmaintenance was first in the time budgets of the Oriental White storks
    in captive, the other maintenance was second. Sex, age, and breeding or not
    had some impact on time budgets. The enough fOod provided and the
    quiescent circumstance made the Storks short the time to feeding and more
    time to have rest.
    Behavior diversity index can be used as a spobol to value adaPtive ability.
    The reseaxch results show that sex, age, and breeding or not had some impact
    on. behavior diversity index. The behavior diversity index of Oriental white
    stork is 1axger than that of Black stork. The index appeared periodicity in one
    year's time, and activities of breeding have significan1y influence on the
    In anificia1 eniironmeni, the most importam environmental factors that
    effect Oriental white Stork and Black stork are activities of human, air
    temperatUre and hUmidity. The artificial entironment have a more sighfican
    impact in particular to squabs than to adults.
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