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     1) 草鱼肠内细菌数量变化范围为:10~5-10~8cfu/g,其中优势菌群为Aeromonas和Enterobacteriaceae,并且Aeromonas和Enterobacteriaceae的百分含量在肠道中表现出一种此消彼长的关系。
     2) 随着肠道内Aeromonas百分含量的下降,Enterobacteriaceae百分含量的上升,草鱼白细胞的吞噬百分比和吞噬指数明显上升,这说明草鱼肠道优势菌群Aeromonas、Enterobacteriaceae的变化可能与白细胞吞噬活性增强有关。
     3) 肠道菌群数量、组成的变化和血清溶菌活性的变化之间没有明显的相关性——在投喂中草药后,肠道菌群数量的增加或减少以及优势菌群Aeromonas或Enterobacteriaceae组成百分比的上升或下降,在血清溶菌酶活性并没有同样出现这种一致的较对照组而言活性增强或减弱的变化趋势。
     4) 投喂大黄、板蓝根后草鱼肠壁组织中淋巴细胞的数量显著增加,尽管肠道菌群的变化和淋巴细胞的变化未表现出明显的对应关系,但可能肠道菌群的变化对肠壁淋巴细胞的变化有一定的影响;另一方面,这也可能是由于大黄、板蓝根药物作用促进草鱼免疫力增强的缘故。
Grass carp (Cteropharyngodon idellns) were fed medicated feed containing 2% rhubarb (Rheum officinale) or isatis root (Isatis tinctorid) respectively in this study. Then on the days(0d, 1d, 4d, 7d, 14d, 21d, 28d) before and after fed medicated feed were samples carried out respectively by surveying changes of number and composition of intestinal microflora including fore-gut, mid-gut and hind-gut> phagocytic activity of leukocytes in the blood and lysozyme activity in the serum of grass carp, at the same time responding intestine tissue were fixed, embedded by paraffin and sliced up to observe changes of lymphocytes in intestine tract of grass carp, in order to find the relation between changes of intestinal microflora and immune funciton of grass carp. The results were as follows:
    1) The number of bacteria in the intestine tract of grass carp ranged from 105-108cfu/g, and the intestinal predominant flora was Aeromonas and Enterobacteriaceae, composition percentage of whose put up a relation of ebb and flow.
    2) The composition percentage of Aeromonas in intestine tract declined and the composition percentage of Enterobacteriaceae rose with the days, while phagocytic percentage and phagocytic index of leukocytes of grass carp were raised significantly. This showed that there may be some relation between changes of predominant flora Aeromonas^ Enterobacteriaceae and promotion of phagocytic activity of leukocytes in the blood.
    3) There was no obvious relation between changes of number and compositon of intestinal microflora and changes of lysozyme activity in the serum of grass carp. That is to say, there weren't the same compounding changes on lysozyme activity in the serum as changes of number and of intestinal predominant flora Aeromonas and Enterobacteriaceae after fed with rumbarb and isatis root.
    4) Numbers of lymphocytes in intestine tract of grass carp were obviously increased after fed medicated feed containing rhubarb and isatis root, and composition percent of the predominant flora Aeromonas in the intestine tract increased and composition percent of Enterobacteriaceae declined with days. Although their changes have no obvious relation with the growth of lymphocytes number, changes of the intestinal predominant flora Aeromonas and Enterobacteriaceae have some effect on the growth of lymphocytes number in intestine tract. On the other hand, that may be owing to the immune promotion of rhubarb and isatis root.
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