基于2D/3D GIS技术的地质勘查项目管理系统的研究与实现
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地质勘查工作是国民经济建设的基础性与战略性保障工作,地质勘查工作质量的优劣直接关系到国家经济建设的持续、健康发展。建国以来国家各级政府及社会对地质勘查工作投入了巨大的人力、物力和财力,尤其随着市场经济高速发展、改革开放日益深入,地质勘查投入更为巨大。本文从技术实现角度,对基于2D/3D GIS、WebGIS来实现地质勘查项目管理的一些关键问题进行了专题探讨。
     ArcGIS Server9.3是目前技术最为典型、技术先进的WebGIS实现框架,其中基于REST服务框架的WebGIS实现是当前最为便捷。在课题中结合了Microsoft Silverlight技术予以实现,这是WebGIS子系统开发中的技术核心与技术难点问题之一,同时也是本文研究的重点之一。
     本文最后对三维GIS进行了探讨。3D GIS技术是当前GIS技术发展的重点领域之一,在本论文研究中作者重点对ArcGIS和Skyline两个典型平台技术进行了探讨,通过技术研究对两个平台的技术异同及优略进行了较为深入的探讨,为平台选型提供了依据。最后给出了课题系统结合SDE技术的3DGIS技术研发实现。
Geological prospecting is the foundation and stratagem work for the national aeconomy construction. Its quality directly impacts the persistence and healthy of the national development. Since the establishment of the PRC, all levels governments have pay out vastness manpower, material resources and financial resources in this aspect, especially along with high speed of the market economy and increasingly innovation and opening. Using 2D/3DGIS, WebGIS technique to process the geological projects management problem spatial information can be titled as the focus problem in this field. Some commonly encountered issues in the processing were studied as a special topic in this essay.
     Firstly, from the actual logic need and the data security of the geological projects management work, the technique framework design of the task system, combined with the morden WebGIS and 3DGIS technology, was abstracted in chapter 2.
     Then, because of the information of the geological projects involves the project management, geological prospecting data and government policies etc. and all this kind of data are not essential for the task to research on. For the convenience of study, after discuss on the relationship in various geological projects and relationships to the management, a more commen data model was finally put forward. This made a basement for further study.
     Based on the abstracted data model, associated with the technique framework mentioned above, geological project data organizing and sptial database design was discuss as a special topic. It mentioned the basement spatial data orgnizition, geological project spatial data processing and also the projection coordinate system problem etc.
     The national government and every local province govment have special requirement on the geological project data submission. In the task system framework, the‘Project Data Submintion’subsystem, using the deskpro and C/S combining structure, felicitously solved this problem and described through an example. It was one of main aspect of this essay.
     Currently,ArcGIS Server9.3 is the most classic and advanced platform in GIS field and the REST Service framework is the most convenience one to imply on. Microsoft Silverlight was used in this Service framework and is the crucial and difficult problem in the WebGIS subsystem. And also it is one of this essay’s emphases.
     Finally this paper emphasize studied the 3DGIS technique. 3DGIS is a currently advanced and hot technology in GIS field. The author standed out the two platforms: ArcGIS and SkyLine to make explor. After that, the technique difference and stand or fall between these two platforms was pointed out, and this also was as the basic reason to do the technique selection. Afer all the implement which combined with SDE was described in the essay.
     Using 2D/3DGIS、WebGIS to realize the geological projects management, geological project data organizing and the task system implyment is the technique innovations of this essay.
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