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In1970s, all the countries around the world attach great importance to the development of the cultural industry day by day and adopt various measures to facilitate development and prosperity of the cultural industry. Many countries around the world, like America, Britain, France and Japan, etc. exert great efforts to promote the development of cultural industry through the government's program. Accelerated development of the cultural industry has already been evolved into the universal trend of the economic development of developed countries and regions. China also lays more and more emphases on cultural industry. In17th report of the National Congress of the CPC, comrade Hu Jintao indicated that the culture has already been developed to the main source of national cohesion and creativity and the key factor of comprehensive national competition more and more. Currently, the development speed of the cultural industry in partial areas of China has already exceeded that of the traditional industries, gradually becoming the new economic growth point.
     Cultural industry also called or extended to "cultural industry","creative economy","content industry" and "copyright industry", etc. With regard to its connotation, it differs according to the difference in understanding of the country or researcher. Nowadays, the study is mainly carried out with focus on economic contributions and competitiveness, etc. of the cultural industry. There are too many studies on industry cluster with emphasis on manufacturing industry while there are still few studies on cultural industry cluster and is lack of systematic studies. Secondly, the study on the role of government during China's cultural industry cluster is implemented by referring to the policy support of the mature manufacturing industry predominated by industry park. Consequently, the differences in regional development particularity of the cultural industrial development and the directivity of the governmental support are neglected; considering study area, the focus is mainly laid on cities with highly developed cultural industrial cluster, like Beijing, Shanghai and Zhejiang, etc. while the cities with rapid realization of potential cultural cohesion and cultural industry are seldom selected. Hunan, a city in the middle area of China, is good reputed across China by virtue of "Hunan Television Army","Hunan Publishing Army","Art Performance X-army" as well as "Xiang Army of Animation". Hunan cultural industry has already highlighted the trend of developing towards to the pill industry. The development of "Hunan Phenomenon" of cultural industry, a miniature of the cultural industrial development in China, is representative. Simultaneously, it is also confronted with the problem of universality. Intercepting and theoretically analyzing&studying its practice and exploring the factors forming the spatial cohesion of cultural industry and its development mode will be universally realistic meaningful to facilitating the development of Hunan's and even China's total cultural industry.
     Global cultural industry developed rapidly, cultural industries in the geo-spatial clustering trend is growing.To better study the formation and development of spatial agglomeration of cultural industry, the development law of spatial agglomeration of Hunan cultural industry is explored based on sorting of documents and referring to the experiences to provide theoretical support and operation thought for enhancing the industrial development and urban competitiveness of regional cultural industry. This text is divided into four parts. Part Ⅰ is theoretical discussion, mainly represented by chapter Ⅰ-Ⅵ.The factors influencing the development of cultural industrial agglomeration, forming mechanism of cultural industrial spatial agglomeration, agglomeration model and cultural industrial spatial agglomeration measurement method are systematically analyzed. Then, through international comparison, the representatives of cultural industrial agglomeration development of many places including:America, Britain and Korea, etc. are extracted respectively. From perspectives such as:macro environment of the cultural industrial development, cultural investment, cultural talents and international cultural market, the experiences referable for the development of China's cultural industrial agglomeration are proposed. Part Ⅱis international comparison, chapter Ⅶ. From the present situation and problems of development of cultural industries,by foreign cultural industries cluster development model proposed for China's cultural industry cluster development experience.Part Ⅲ is empirical study, chapter Ⅷ. Based on theoretical arrangement of the Part Ⅰ and by combining the actual situation of Hunan area, the main factors influencing the development of Hunan cultural industrial agglomeration, including cultural consumption, cultural talent, cultural resource, regional factor, public cultural service, continuous innovative capacity as well as governmental emphasis and policy support are extracted. From macro, meso and micro perspectives, the efforts are made to try to analyze the objective requirements of Hunan cultural industrial spatial configuration based on industrial structure upgrading, governmental public policy orientation and cultural industrial development strategic practice, three of which complement each other. Consequently, the formation of cultural industrial agglomeration space is promoted.Simultaneously, by taking base and park of Hunan cultural industrial agglomeration as the study objects, the Hunan cultural industrial agglomeration model boosting process and four basic agglomeration models are concluded. Eventually, Hunan spatial agglomeration degree is reckoned through industrial agglomeration indicator and spatial measurement. According to the result, it indicates that the Hunan cultural agglomeration degree is not high, cultural industrial spatial dependence function and positive spatial spillover effect is weak and there is deficiency in innovative capacity during Hunan cultural agglomeration. Part Ⅳ indicates basic conclusions and suggestions. In accordance with the result of quantitative and qualitative studies, the problems about Hunan cultural industrial spatial agglomeration are summed up and the development path for improving Hunan cultural industrial agglomeration is raised from six perspectives, like governmental management and service abilities, cultural consumption, cultural intermediary construction, cultural talent training, cultural investment&financing as well as cultural agglomeration mechanism linkage. In the end, this thesis research is further considered from the overall situation and the places where improvements in the follow-up research of this thesis are summarized.
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