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This thesis conducts a research on the issue of rural traffic and transportationdevelopment and advances a systematic idea on it from the perspective of resources allocation.The paper frstly analyzes the factor quality of transportation output and its function onresource allocation. The analysis is based on the logical framework regarding transportationas a system, in which the factor quality of transportation output is its physical function or thesocialized and economic result of shift of space position, as welt as the resources allocationfunction is the systematic outcomes of output factor effect. The thesis shows thattransportation is an indispensable part of transaction action and makes it a theoreticalperspective to recognize its function. From the point of view of trade and comparative yield,this paper generalizes the output factor function of transportation. This thesis studies therelation between market and resources allocation of traffic and transportation from the aspectsof space and the evolution of market, and argues that the level and condition of traffic andtransportation development directly determines the space scope and aging of resourcesallocation by market mechanism and the depth and efficiency of industry. The thesis alsoproposes the view that traffic and transportation is the artery system for market mechanism tofunction. On the theory of agriculture resources allocation, this thesis makes complementarydivision of agriculture factors allocation pattern by classifying it into the categories ofspecialized industrial zone, traditional agriculture and transitional agriculture according tofactors equilibrium, factors allocation pattern and the role of traffic and transportation indifferent factors allocation patterns. Based on the idea of the integration of cities withcountryside and the analysis on the relation between cities and countryside as a system, thethesis gives the idea that traffic and transportation of cities and countryside should gaincoordinated developments.
     The paper makes a study on value approach of transportation demand. It involves thefollowing respects. Firstly it gives new definition of transportation demand; secondly itproves that both traditional traffic and transportation demand model and the LES or ELESmodel have limitations when they are applied to analyze or predict industrial transportationdemand. The main problem is the materialization of index and variation of factors inducedinstability of function. It argues that the analysis approach of incorne-consumption-traffic andtransportation demand should be used and the shortcomings can be overcome by establishingmarginal corlsumption of traffic and transportation and introducing predicted permanentincome and life-cycle theory model. A resident's consumption demand model of traffic andtransportation is set up. Thirdly the paper proposes input-output form and transportation costmodulus be used to lneasure traffic and transportation dernand of service production. At thesame time, the paper makes two practical achievements: one is to divide domestic resident'stransportation consumption market with the aid of inarginal consumption of transportation;the other one is to prove the relevancy of marginal transportation demand with thedevelopment level of the third industry, so it isan effective way to encourage the development of transportation in backward areas in order to diminish regional difference. The paper alsoconducts an analysis on the issue of rural transportation development based on farmers'behavior pattern and agriculture equilibrium.
     The thesis offers capital-additional value rate as an assessment of income flow from roadinvestment. To be accurate, judgment on investment efficiency can be made according tocomparison of investment volume which has already increased production capacity-increasednewly-additional amount of income flow rate with the rate in equilibrium. This approach isgiven empirical study. The thesis advances systematic idea on rural transportationdevelopment.
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