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Packing problems have broad applications. As to some complex mechanical products, packing design is heavily related to their main performance even can determine their final success and failure. Packing problems have high complexity in terms of modeling and computing, and especially a lot of expert cognition that is formed during the packing process is difficult to be simulated by computer. So, it needs researching process to solve project problems. Under the guidance of the intelligence engineering, compound knowledge model of layout, distributed cooperation based on meta system, human computer interaction and parallel computing are introduced, they are integrated in intelligent layout design system of human computer interaction based on distributed knowledge environment. Aim for searching a method to solve the project problem of complex packing and making the packing design close to project.
    First of all, difficulty and deficiency of existing packing methods were found out based on summarizing and analyzing current research status both inland and abroad.
    As there is much knowledge in packing problem of complex mechatronic, this knowledge involving in different domain and phase are difficult to express with single model. The layout design knowledge of complex products is divided into layout cases, rule knowledge and constrain knowledge, they are expressed with compound knowledge model. Compound knowledge of simplified part, layout space, case and constrain knowledge satisfied with different subsystem and parallel computing of designing the intelligent layout process. This knowledge can be exchanged and shared.
    Knowledge of layout is saved in separate subsystems. In order to distributed cooperation in different phase of layout design, distributed intelligent system based on meta system is built. Meta system makes structure of whole intelligent system flexible.
    A lot of expert cognition formed during the packing process is difficult to be simulated by computer. A human-computer cooperation method for packing problems is presented to make use the speciality of human and computer. A web-based layout design system structure of human computer interaction is represented also, which combines the merit of C/S and B/S.
    In order to improve efficiency of computer, parallel algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm are integrated in parallel cluster environment. Method of scheduling computing resource by the grid strategy make this algorithm can improve layout result and be used to engineering problem. User interface shows 3D packing process and result. Through the user interface layout result can be modified by designer. At last, intelligent layout design based on distributed knowledge for solving the layout problem of armor power cabin was introduced. In the end of the dissertation, conclusions are drawn and the future research directions in the field are suggested.
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