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大多数的pre-mRNA的3’-端成熟包括核酸内切酶剪切和在上游剪切产物末端添加多聚腺苷酸末尾并需要多个蛋白复合物的参与。参与真核生物pre-mRNA3’-端加工的蛋白几乎都已被发现,其中Cleavage factor I (CFI_m)是一个参与多聚腺苷酸位点剪切过程的重要蛋白复合物,包含一个25 kDa亚基(CFI_m25)和三个较大的亚基中的任意一个(CFI_m59, CFI_m68, CFI_m72)。CFI_m识别AAUAAA上游的UGUAA元件从而促进pre-mRNA的3’-端加工复合物组装和提高体外多聚腺苷酸位点的体外剪切速率和效率。CFI_m也可通过与PAP和hFip1的相互作用调控不依赖AAUAAA信号的多聚腺苷酸末尾合成。将体外表达的CFI_m25-CFI_m68复合物添加到纯化后的3’-端加工因子中,可在体外实验中恢复多聚腺苷酸位点剪切活性。通过基因敲除抑制CFI_m25的表达不影响HeLa细胞的存活,但增加上游剪切位点的使用频率,说明CFI_m25在多聚腺苷酸位点选择中发挥重要作用。因此研究CFI_m复合物的结构和功能对于揭示多聚腺苷酸尾巴合成这一生物现象具有非常重要的意义。本论文研究了CFI_m复合物的晶体结构,阐述了CFI_m复合物识别pre-mRNA的分子机制。
The maturation of the 3’-ends of most mRNAs is catalyzed by multiple protein complexes, including the endo-nucleolytic cleavage of primary transcripts and addition of poly(A) tails to the upstream cleavage products. Nearly all the critical protein complexes involved in eukaryotic pre-mRNA 3’-end processing have been identified. Cleavage factor I (CFI_m), consisting of a 25 kDa subunit (CFI_m25) and one of the three larger subunits (CFI_m59, CFI_m68, CFI_m72), is required for the 3’-end cleavage. CFI_m binds to the UGUAA elements upstream of AAUAAA elements of the pre-mRNA substrates that facilitates pre-mRNA 3’-end processing complex assembly and enhance the rate and overall efficiency of poly(A) site cleavage in vitro. Sequence-specific binding of CFI_m to pre-mRNA directs A(A/U)UAAA-independent poly(A) addition through interacting with poly(A) polymerase and hFip1. When added to partially purified 3’-end processing factors, recombinant CFI_m25-CFI_m68 complex was sufficient to reconstitute poly(A) site cleavage activity in vitro. Repression of CFI_m25-CFI_m68 complex activity by knocking down CFI_m25 does not affect the HeLa cell viability, but increases upstream poly(A) site usage, suggesting CFI_m25 plays an important role in poly(A) site selection. Therefore, it is important to exploring the structure-function relationship of CFI_m. This thesis presents the structural basis for pre-mRNA recognition by CFI_m.
     CFI_m68 interacts with CFI_m25 through its N-terminal RRM domain (CFI_m68RRM). We determined the crystal structure of CFI_m25-CFI_m68RRM complex, revealing that CFI_m68RRM interacts with CFI_m25 through a novel RRM-protein interaction mode to form a tetramer. Mutagenesis analysis and pull-down experiment showed that CFI_m25 dimerization is crucial for CFI_m complex assembly, suggesting CFI_m complex is possibly a tetramer in vivo. We also determined the crystal structure of CFI_m25-CFI_m68RRM-RNA complex. The CFI_m25-CFI_m68RRM tetramer binds two UGUAA elements in the positively charged cavities of the CFI_m25 dimer via hydrogen-bonds, hydrophobic contacts and base pair stacking. The kinetic analysis demonstrates that CFI_m complex assembly increases pre-mRNA binding affinity, and the subsequent mutagenesis analysis reveals the RNA binding surface of CFI_m68, suggesting CFI_m68 may bind the immediately flanking region at 5’-end of the UGUAA element.
     This thesis also presents the structural investigation of yeast poly(U) binding protein (Pub1). Yeast poly(U)-binding protein (Pub1) is a major nuclear and cytoplasmic protein, containing three RNA recognition motif (RRM) domains (termed Pub1-RRM1, Pub1-RRM2 and Pub1-RRM3), which has been implicated as a regulator of cellular mRNA decay. Nearly 10% of all yeast mRNAs decay occurs in a Pub1-dependent manner. Pub1 binds to and stabilizes AU-rich element (ARE) and ARE-like sequence-containing transcripts by protecting them from degradation through the deadenylation-dependent pathway, and also binds to and stabilizes stabilizer element (STE)-containing transcripts by preventing their degradation via the nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) pathway. We determined the crystal structures of Pub1-RRM2 and the first two tandem RRM domains (Pub1-RRM12). Pub1-RRM1 and Pub1-RRM2 adopt the canonicalαβsandwich structures of RRM domains. Pub1-RRM12 forms a CV-N type domain-swapped dimmer by crystal packing. Size exclusion chromatography assay and analysitcal ultracentrifugation (AUC) showed Pub1-RRM12 is a monomer in solution. Mutagenesis analysis revealed five residues, located on the twoβ-sheets of Pub1-RRM1 and Pub1-RRM2, are critical for poly(U) binding. Kinetic analysis showed that all the three individual RRM domains can bind to a 10- or 15-base poly(U) segment with similar affinities, whereas Pub1-RRM12 binds to the 15-base poly(U) segment with the affinity approximately an order of magnitude higher than the 10-base poly(U) segment. Our studies provide structural and biochemical information for Pub1.
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