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  • 英文题名:Late Cenozoic Seismic Onlap-Offlap Sequences and Sea Level Changes on the Northern Sunda Shelf, South China Sea
  • 作者:钟广法
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:海洋地质
  • 学位年度:2002
  • 导师:马在田 ; 姚伯初
  • 学科代码:070704
  • 学位授予单位:同济大学
  • 论文提交日期:2002-05-01
     根据总长为2200 km高分辨率地震剖面的解释,在上新统一第四系地层内共识别了23地震超覆层序,建立了迄今为止巽他陆架乃至整个南海地区晚新生代分辨率最高的地震层序框架。这些层序在垂向上叠置构成7个进积、加积或退积型层序组合。从上新世到第四纪,层序的演化总体上呈进积趋势。层序内部体系域的配置有上超域主导型、退覆域主导型及对称发育型三种类型。前两者体系域的发育呈不对称状,分别以上超域或退覆域为主。上新统下部以上超域主导型层序为主,上新统中上部及第四系,退覆域主导型层序逐渐增多。上超域主导型层序意味着,层序发育过程主要受上超或盆地沉积范围的扩张过程控制,退覆或沉积范围的收缩过程相对短暂:退覆域主导型层序则相反,上超或盆地沉积范围的扩张过程相对短暂,层序的演化主要受退覆或盆地沉积范围的收缩过程制约。研究区V形或下凹状地震反射被解释为北巽他河下切作用的遗迹,在纳土纳隆起以东的陆架区域主要沿第四系顶、底及中部三个层序界面发育。这表明,更新世期间该陆架至少出现过三次大的暴露期,并接受北巽他河下切作用的改造。
     考虑地层剥蚀、压实沉降、载荷沉降、构造沉降及古水深变化,提出了基于地震超覆点法定量确定全球海平面变化幅度的定量模型。对模型中所涉及的参量,分别建立了相应的数学模型,包括:超覆点和剥蚀量恢复的有效厚度拟合模型,计算地层原始沉积厚度及压实沉降量的脱压实模型,计算载荷沉降量的Airy均衡和挠曲均衡模型,区域构造沉降模型及古水深模型等。在巽他陆架地震超覆层序分析基础上,根据上述模型,编制了5.33 Ma年来全球海平面变化曲线。该曲线与Haq全球海平面变化曲线及深海底栖有孔虫氧同位素曲线比较,在变化趋势上表现出良好的一致性,证明本文提出的全球海平面变化模型及海平面变化曲线编制过程中所选参数的合理性。
     5.33 Ma以来的海平面变化趋势,除5.1 Ma前表现为短暂的快速上升外,5.1 Ma之后总体呈下降趋势。后者可细分为3个阶段:5.1~3.7 Ma,全球海平面基本稳定在高出现今海平面50-100 m的高水位,说明当时全球气候相对温暖,与已有的古气候结论一致;3.7~0.9 Ma。间,全球海平面稳步下降,特别是3.7~2.2 Ma间,下降速率较高,与此间发生的北极冰盖形成事件具有较好的对应关系;0.9 Ma至全新世海侵发生之前,海平面稳定在相对于现今海平面-60~-100 m以下的低水位,标志着北极冰盖的进一步扩大。
     对原始海平面变化数据进行插值和重采样(采样间隔0.01 Ma),分别采用长、短两种不同时窗(时窗长度分别为0.5 Ma和0.1 Ma)求其滑动平均,并与经过同样滤波处理的底栖有孔虫氧同位素曲线进行对比,结果发现,在0.1~0.5 Ma级别的周期尺度上,无论是在长时窗滤波所得到的低频背景信息,还是短时窗滤波所揭示的变化细节方面,上述两种分辨率截然不同的资料所揭示的变化趋势具有良好的一致性。这表明,上新世以来,四级全球海平面升降变化可能主要受全球冰盖大小的变动控制。
Research on sea level is of great significance for understanding mechanisms ofinteraction among the spheres of the earth, revealing origins of some importantgeological events, and studying the occurrence of natural resources and sedimentarydeposits, as well as predicting future trends of sea level changes. Sunda shelf, one ofthe largest shells in the world, is believed to be a good site to interpret sea levelfluctuations during Late Cenozonic age. In this thesis, about 2200 km high-resolutionseismic lines from German Cruise Sonne-ll5 and China Guangzhou MarineGeological Survey are used to reconstruct the framework of sequence stratigraphy, andto document the history of sea level changes, based on principles of seismicstratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy.
     Reviews on key surfaces of sequences and system tracts defined by modernsequence stratigraphy, including correlative conformity with unconformity, maximumflooding surfaces, transgressive surfaces, suggest that these surfaces are potentialdiachronous surfaces on global or inter-regional correlation. These surfaces areisochronous only in regions with no significant contrasts on subsidence and sedimentsupply.
     In this study, we use transits of onlap and offlap points to define seismicsequences and system tracts. Transits of onlap and offlap points are easily recognizedon regional seismic profiles across basin margins. They record the history of theexpending and shrinking of basin sedimentation. A seismic onlap-offlap sequence isdefined as a seismic unit bounded by minimum depositional surfaces or theircorrelative unconformities (including onlap/tmnction unconformities and downlapunconformities). A minimum depositional surface is a conformable stratigraphicsurface separating underlain offlapping unit from overlain onlapping unit. It formswhen the extent of basin sedimentation shrinked to the least. A seismic onlap-offlapsequence can be subdivided into two system tracts: onlapping system tract andof-flapping system tract. They are separated by maximum depositional surfaces,generating when stratigraphic onlapping transiting to offlapping.
     23 seismic onlap-offlap sequences are recognized on northern Sunda Shelf. Inmost of these sequences, the system tracts are developed asymmetrically. In the LowerPliocene, sequences are dominated by onlapping system tracts, while sequences in theUpper Pliocene and Pleistocene mainly consist of oftlapping system tracts. Progradingis the general trend of evolution of Pliocene and Pleistocene sequences.
     A quantitative model is developed for calculating magnitudes of global sea levelrising and falling based on seismic data. The model incorporates erosion, compaction,isostastic loading subsidence of basement, tectonic subsidence, and water depth. Usingthis model, a eustatic sea level curve is compiled based on study of onlap-offlapseismic sequences on northern Sunda shelf. Our curve is in good accordance with bothHaq et al.'s (1987, 1988) eustatic sea level curve and benthic fomminiferal stable isotopeδ~(18)O curves of ODP Leg 138 in tropical Pacific Ocean and ODP Leg 184 inthe South China Sea. It suggests that our sea level model and the parameters used inthe calculation are reasonable.
     According to our sea level curve, four stages of eustatic sea level changes can bediscerned during last 5.33 Ma: 1) rapid rising stage during 5.33~5.1 Ma, 2) stablehigh-stand stage during 5.1~3.7 (±0.1) Ma, 3) gradual falling stage during 3.7~0.9 (±0.1), and 4) fluctuating stage with general low stand during the time interval from 0.9Ma to the incipient of Holocene transgression.
     On our original eustatic sea level curve, about 36 cycles of sea level:fluctuationcan be recognized with periods from 0.08 to 0.29 Ma, which are fallen into 4th order ofcycle.s defined by Vail et al. (1991). After processed by moving averaging with thesame window length, good matches between our curve andδ~(18)O curves are found.This result suggests the 4th order of eustatic sea level fluctuations during last 5.33 Mamay be mainly controlled by changes of the size or volume of ice caps.
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