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     4土壤物理特性研究表明,FSNG表层土含水量显著大于SG; SG砂土含量显著高于FSNG,而轻壤土和中壤土含量显著低于FSNG。土壤化学特性研究表明FSNG表土有机质、C/N、全氮、碱解氮、全磷、速效磷和速效钾含量均显著高于SG。而SG表层土pH值和全钾含量显著高于FSNG。说明内蒙古地区长期定居放牧后,导致原生植被表层土壤理化特性发生变化,土壤营养水平下降。
Inner Mongolia and Mongolia jointly occupy the main part of the Mongolian Plateau. Due to various factors, Chinese and Mongolian grassland ecological environment have varying degrees of degradation. The study of grasslands on the Mongolian Plateau of a grazing ecology has not been reported. Therefore, in this study, we chose two semi-desert steppes which were adjacent in China and in Mongolia and both of them were with two different grazing(FSNG and SG).The study includes plant community diversity, plant functional group characteristics, the main features of plant nutrition, soil physical and chemical characteristics and so on to explore the ecological differences with different grazing to provide theory that was to the Mongolian Plateau semi-desert grassland ecological environment protection and rational use of available theory. The major findings are as follows:
     1 The result of vegetation community characteristics in Mongolian Plateau semi-desert grassland showed that the value of constructive species and the dominant species was FSNG(four seasonal nomadic grazing)>SG(settled grazing), the annuals important value was SG>FSNG It meant that the effect of species declined after the long-term settled grazing in Inner Mongolia, annual plants increased and the vegetation degenerated.
     2 The analysis of plant nutrition showed that the value of Nitrogen, Soluble sugar, Phosphorus, Potassium were Mongolia's nomadic seasons plot significantly or very significantly higher than the plot of Inner Mongolia. Not similarly constructive species of plant nutrient analysis showed that the value of plots with FSNG in Mongolian was significantly or very significantly higher than the plots with SG in Inner Mongolia. However, the nutrition of annual plants was in contrast with the constructive species. In short, plant nutrition of plots with FSNG in semi-desert grassland Mongolia more than in semi-desert grassland Inner Mongolia.
     3 There was significant difference between the Photosynthetic pigments of constructive species and the one of Annual, the Photosynthetic pigments of constructive species was SG>FSNG and the one of Annual was FSNG>SG. The average content of constructive species photosynthetic pigments was FSNG in Mongolian higher than other plots in Inner Mongolia, while the photosynthetic pigments of annual plant species was opponent. The relative analysis between plant nutrition (nitrogen, soluble sugar, phosphorus, and potassium) and photosynthetic pigment showed that both of them were positive correlation relationship, in which the correlation between phosphorus, sugar and photosynthetic pigments better than the correlation between N and K.
     4 The research of soil physical properties showed that the surface soil water content of the plots with FSNG in Mongolian was more than SG in Inner Mongolia, the sand content of the plots with SG in Inner Mongolia more than FSNG in Mongolian, but the Light loam and medium loam content were both less than FSNG in Mongolian. The research of soil chemical properties showed that the surface soil organic matter, C/N, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, total phosphorus, available phosphorus and potassium with FSNG in Mongolian were significantly higher than with SG in Inner Mongolia, but the pH and the total K were opponent. It meant that the soil physical and chemical properties of original vegetation had changed and the level of soil nutrient had gone down.
     5 The correlation analysis of soil and community characteristics showed that there were negative correlation between vegetation community characteristics (community height, coverage and importance values) and sand, sandy loam, pH, and total K while were positive correlation between other Soil characteristics. The analysis of plant nutrition and soil characteristics showed that there were negative correlation between nutritional indices of plants and soil pH. Soluble sugar and total K were negative correlation. Nutritional indices of plants and the rest of soil characteristics were positive correlations. The correlation analysis of species diversity index and soil characteristics showed that there were negative correlation between species diversity index and sand, pH and total K while were positive correlation with other indicators.
     6 All analysis could show the reason for the degradation of semi-desert grassland in Mongolian Plateau was mainly due to the imbalances of soil nutrient which caused the changes of physical properties. The vegetation cover sub-tilis of semi-desert steppe region of Inner Mongolia-grazing that was Over-grazing long time was significantly lower than that with FSNG in Mongolia, which led surface soil to could not get nutrient long-term and appeared Serious soil desertification. Soil sand severe degree. Lack of nutrition resulted in vegetation degradation.
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