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The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the necessity to carry out monitoring of public power, and proposed monitoring mechanism of public power measures. For the purpose of this thesis, inducted and analyzed the monitoring of public power will be used, and also deeply excavated the phenomenon of Produce of monitoring of public power.
     Firstly, defined the concept of monitoring of public power, analyzed the Basic theoretical basis. Comparative analyzed the Public choice theory, the new public management theory, Contingency theory, and Separation theory, fined some hands which China can reference to deepen the monitoring of public power.
     Secondly, analyzed from the public power monitoring theory, mechanism, laws and regulations, party and government supervision and oversight body to oversee the relationship between the form of supervision, monitoring channels, both positive and negative sanctions. At the same time, demonstrated the problems in China's monitoring of public power. Confirmed that it is necessary to perfect the monitoring mechanism of public power in China. Although China has made a progress in the supervised theory, mechanism, regulations and practical work, it is not enough to prevent the public power abuse. China should perfect the mechanism of supervision control as soon as possible.
     Thirdly, provided the basis for our country to improve public power supervision mechanism. Theoretically, proposed the basic structure of game model of supervision, discussed the supervisor and the supervised person’s expectations under this mode.
     Finally, suggested that through improving the public power supervision system, strengthening the supervision and main body functions, Broadening supervision channels, surveillance program, standardization Oversight procedures, sounding power operation mechanism and supervision mechanism, and strengthening supervision legislation, thereby to perfect China's monitoring mechanism of public power.
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