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The conflict between supply and demand on high skilled talents reminds us that we should pay extra attention on their training and the value improving. Refer to this paper, high skilled talents indicate the high making labor that have take the reins of high level technique, skill and theory knowledge, and are creative and can solve problems separately through special training. It includes three types, technique type, complex type and knowledge type. Implicit human capital of high skilled talents means that implicit knowledge, skills, know-how, etc high skilled talents grapple through investing in education and learning by doing which can not be imitated and initiated and are creative. And also it includes the social relationship capital and feeling capital.
     This paper considers that the formation and transformation of high skilled talents’implicit capital are the most key paths which will influence the competitive advantage in the management of human capital. So, the paper is spread circumfusing the formation and transformation. Through the analysis of the contrast between personal study and organization study and the type of organization study, this paper bring forward the high skilled talents’implicit human capital formation and transformation mechanism and model based on explorative learning, informal learning and learning by doing. In the study on the transformation, the paper analyzed the layers and the process in the first place, and put forward the implicit human capital transfer model based on Game theory based on the case of mentor-prentice. And then analyzed the expanding model between personal and organization through the systemic dynamics model, put forward the threshold that if implicit knowledge could be transferred or not. The conclusion could help enterprise control the organizational capital effectively. Second, the paper comments the SECI model, and put forward the triple SECI model for the transformation of high skilled talents’implicit human capital based on study and communication mechanism. At last, the paper advances the transformation pattern using for reference of lifecycle theory, and put forward the realization mechanism model based on demand developing, salary promotion and accomplishment promotion, trust and communication, organization study and embedding environment.
     This paper also makes empirical research on the influencing factors and path analysis through a mass of questionnaires and SPSS15.0, LISREL8.70 etc. Through the empirical research, the paper endues some conclusions, such as the positive relationship between study and creative mechanism and the formation of implicit human capital, between the communication mechanism and the transformation of implicit human capital. Also this paper found out that the relationship between compensation mechanism and the formation (transformation) are negative. This conclusion reminds enterprises that they should pay more attention on the salary of high skill talents. At last, the paper construct the implicit human capital management model of high skilled talents and put forward the support conditions and paths.
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