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     1 )鲐鱼包装后,冷藏8d ,普通包装和真空包装的组胺含量分别为31.50mg/100g和37.12mg/100g,UFA下降量分别为1.62%和1.38%。以减少组胺含量为侧重点,选用普通包装为宜。
     2 )鲐鱼原料经5.0%山梨酸钾溶液处理并冷藏12d ,组胺含量为26.99mg/100g,UFA下降了4.07%;经0.6%异抗坏血酸钠溶液处理,冷藏9d,组胺含量为42.83mg/100g,UFA下降了2.17%。正交实验结果表明:5.0%山梨酸钾和0.2%异抗坏血酸钠的溶液处理并冷藏13d后,组胺含量28.72mg/100g,UFA下降量为2.74%,复合添加剂更利于鲐鱼原料的品质控制。
     3)普通或真空包装的鲐鱼原料经3 kGy、5 kGy、7 kGy电子束辐照后,冷藏18d,各辐照组的组胺含量均低于45mg/100g。普通包装结合5kGy辐照组的组胺含量为32.99mg/100g,UFA下降量为7.67%,综合效果优于其它剂量组。
Pneumatophorus japonicus, rich in unsaturated fatty acid such as EPA and DHA, is an important kind of commercial fish in China. For the lack of appropriate control technique, lipid oxidation and histamine poisoning of P. japonicus occurs easily. To compare the control effect of different methods on the lipid oxidation and histamine, P. japonicus and its salted products were treated with different package way, additives or different doses of electron beam irradiation, then the histamine content, volatile basic nitrogen(VBN), peroxide value(POV) and decline ratio of the unsaturated fatty acid(UFA) as well as sensory quality were measured duing refrigeration period.
     The results are as follows:
     1. Control technique about lipid oxidation and histamine of Pneumatophorus japonicus
     1) P. japonicus were packaged and refrigerated for 8 days, the histamine content of samples with common or vacuum package were 31.50mg/100g and 37.12 mg/100g, and the decline ratios of UFA were 1.62% and 1.38%, respectively. As reducing histamine content is an emphasis point, common package is a suitable way.
     2) After treated with 5.0% potassium sorbate solution and refrigerated for 12 days, the histamine content and decline ratio of UFA in P. japonicus was 26.99mg/100g and 4.07%, respectively. P. japonicus was treated with 0.6% sodium erythorbate solution and stored for 9 days, its histamine content and decline ratio of UFA were 42.83mg/100g and 2.17%, respectively. The orthogonal experiment results showed that: treated with 5% potassium sorbate and 0.2% sodium erythorbate solution, the histamine content and decline ratio of UFA in P. japonicus were 28.72mg/100g and 2.74% after 13 days. Thus the combined additives was more conducive to keep the quality of P. japonicus.
     3) P. japonicus with common or vacuum package were irradiated by 3kGy, 5kGy or 7kGy electron-beam irradiation, then preserved in refrigeration. Histamine contents of all irradiated groups were lower than 45mg/100g until 18th day. In the control effect of lipid oxidation and histamine generation, the common package way combined with electron-beam irradiation of 5kGy was more effective than other methods, and the histamine content and UFA decline ratio of P. japonicus treated by this method were 32.99mg/100g and 7.67%, respectively.
     2. Control technology of lipid oxidation and histamine of semi-dry salted Pneumatophorus japonicus products
     P. japonicus were immersed in saturated salt solution for 10, 20 and 30min, then dried to semi-dry, packaged and stored under refrigeration. After 35 days, the histamine content of every group was less than 30mg/100g, and the decline ratio of UFA were 4.31%, 6.08% and 8.22%, respectively. The immersed time for 10min was choosed. According to the results of compound additives, the salted products were rinsed with water for 2min, then treated with 1g/kg sodium pyrophosphate and 3g/kg liquid smoke, dried to semi-dry and refrigerated. After 45 days, the reduce amount of UFA in semi-dry salted P. japonicus products was only 3.88%.
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