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In recent years, the intersubjectivity has become a heated topic for discussion in translation studies. This thesis attempts to discuss the specific translation activity—fictional dialogue translation from the abstract philosophical theory of intersubjectivity.
     The thesis consists of three chapters in addition to an introduction and a conclusion. The introduction briefly presents the purpose and significance of this thesis, then methods of research and structure of the thesis.
     Chapter 1 reviews the theory of intersubjectivity in the western philosophy. As is well known, intersubjectivity was initiated and put forward by Husserl in Phenomenology and further driven by Heidegger’s Existentialism, Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics and at last went to Habermas’Theory of Communicative Action. The development of intersubjectivity experiences three different stages with their emphasis accordingly, which are the epistemological intersubjectivity from Husserl’s Phenomenology, the ontological intersubjectivity from the perspective of Heidegger’existentialism and especially Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics, and the sociological intersubjectivity from Habermas’Theory of Communicative Action.
     Chapter 2 applies the philosophical theory of intersubjectivity to the translation studies. As probing into the history of the translation studies, we can find that the translation studies have experienced three paradigms which developed from one center to another, focusing on only one translation subject whose status is always over-emphasized in the respective paradigm.
     However, with the help of the theory of intersubjectivity, we can define the subjects of the translation as the translator, the author, the reader and the characters in the text. The intersubjectivity indicates the relationships and communications among inter-related subjects, permitting the subjective functions of these subjects comprehensively. Therefore, the interaction and equal dialogue between the subjects can be further studied in a case study, which is the fictional dialogue translation.
     Chapter 3 deals with the fictional dialogue translation from the perspective of intersubjectivity. By defining the fictional dialogue as the dialogue between the characters and the characters’monologue, the research of the intersubjectivity in fictional dialogue translation is constrained in the two different types. Through the analysis of the earlier studies of the fictional dialogue translation, different theories were in the platform but failed to research it in a systematic and overall perspective. According to the theory of intersubjectivity, the subjects in the fictional dialogue translation could also be defined as the translator, the author, the reader and the characters in the texts. With the understanding of what is the subject in the fictional dialogue translation, we can go further to probe into the interaction and equal dialogue among all the subjects. With the help of the characteristics of the fictional dialogue and the translation of fictional dialogue, the intersubjectivity between the translator and the author, the intersubjectivity between the translator and the reader, and the intersubjectivity between the translator and the characters in the fictional dialogue are examined in detail in the two types of fictional dialogue.
     The conclusion points out that intersubjectivity is the complement to subjectivity, and all the subjects in translation are at the equal position without overemphasizing each of them. Intersubjectivity and subjectivity are interrelated and inter-dependent with each other. The philosophical theory of“intersubjectivity”, which is introduced to the fictional dialogue translation, may help the studies of fictional dialogue translation having a philosophical basis and an all-around angle. Therefore, we can have the sufficient reason to expect that the theory of intersubjectivity can explain all the sub branches in translation studies and make our translation studies more profound and rational.
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